Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Definition of a Blue State - Where the Dead Still Get to Vote

The state of New York, the Blue of the Blue, also appears to be the Land of the Dead.
Steven T. Vermilye was a home inspector and general contractor who grew up in Croton-on-Hudson - he and his father helped build the boat launch at Senasqua Park - went to college in Texas and settled in New Paltz in 1971.

Betty L. Johnson came from a small town in Virginia and moved to Beacon when she was 17, where she raised eight children while boxing duct tape at Tuck Tape and working in the kitchen at the Castle Point Veterans Hospital.

David S. Stairs was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and came to the mid-Hudson Valley in 1927, where as a 16-year-old he pounded hot rivets into the New York Central Railroad at Croton-Harmon and then spent 45 years working his way up through Texaco's research center in Glenham.

The three mid-Hudson Valley residents had little in common during their lives, but share one thing now: Records exist of them casting a vote after they died.

A new statewide database of registered voters contains as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and as many as 2,600 of them have cast votes from the grave, according to a Poughkeepsie Journal computer-assisted analysis.


The numbers do not indicate how much fraud is the result of dead voters in New York, only the potential for it. Typically, records of votes by the dead are the result of bookkeeping errors and do not mean any extra ballots were actually cast.


Among the Journal's findings:

- There were dead people on the voter rolls in all of New York's 62 counties and people in as many as 45 counties who had votes recorded after they had died.

- One Bronx address was listed as the home for as many as 191 registered voters who had died. The address is 5901 Palisade Ave., in Riverdale, site of the Hebrew Home for the Aged.

- Democrats who cast votes after they died outnumbered Republicans by more than 4 to 1. The reason: Most of them came from Democrat-dominated New York City, where the higher population produced more matches.

Surprised? Not really, everyone knows that the Donks will LIE, CHEAT or STEAL to win elections, including using the dead. But I am surprised that this was exposed in a newspaper. Maybe there are still newspapers will a smidgen of integrity left, and that is nice to know.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/31

Sorry for not posting yesterday, my oldest son was in a serious auto accident Sunday night. Yesterday I spent the whole day at the hospital as he had surgery to wire his kneecap back together. And other than having a shattered kneecap, he is fine.

"Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand" - Putt's Law

Dennis Prager - Note to angry Republicans: Stay angry, but vote Republican

David Limbaugh - GOP can't have it both ways on Iraq

And Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. - The American Churchill

Mr Minority

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Dichotomy of Ideas

What course America should take in Iraq highlights the difference in thinking the on part of the Democrats and Republicans. The President wants to stay until the job is done, Iraq can safely maintain civil order with it's own troops and police. The Democrats are not thinking this way, they want a concrete timetable in which our troops will withdraw to Okinawa, and to hell with Iraq. With the election just little over a week away, we have some great quotes by the Donks on there "plan" for Iraq.

First we have Screamie Deanie, who holds no political office, but sounds as if he owns the Senate and the House:
Even if Democrats win control of Congress in elections next week, an immediate change of course in Iraq policy is unlikely, the party's chairman said Sunday.

Countering Republican campaign charges that Democrats would "cut and run" from Iraq, chairman Howard Dean said the party did not believe there should be a sudden pullout of all U.S. troops.

"The president will still be in charge of foreign policy and the military . . . I don't imagine we're going to be able to force the president to reverse his course," he told the CBS "Face the Nation" program.

"But we will put some pressure on him to have some benchmarks, some timetables and a real plan other than stay the course," he added.

"The president will still be in charge of foreign policy and the military..."
Wow, that is pretty damn nice of Howie to allow the President to continue to do his job, as specified by the Constitution, damn nice of him! Maybe he is finally realizing that he and his Donks can't do a damn thing about our plan for Iraq, other that try and cut the funding and leave our troops stranded. And we need to pin him down on what his definition of "sudden pullout" is. That could mean the day after tomorrow or the day after that.

And it is also nice of Howie, who as I have said, does not hold an office in Congress, to throw the Iraqis a bone:
"We will need to leave a force of special-operations folks in the Middle East, not in Iraq but on the periphery of Iraq, so we can deal with terrorism in a timely manner.

But for me, the quote of the day comes for Abscam John Muthra:
I think there is more terrorism throughout the world, and all of the polls indicate this," Murtha said on the Fox program. "The Iraqis believe this, the people in the periphery of Iraq believe that and the American public believes the same thing."

We are now assessing terrorist activities by public opinion polls, and what the American public thinks. The intelligence communities of the world don't count, we must believe the polls. Muthra is dangerous, just like his comrades in peace, the rest of the Donks, they have no concept of what is being accomplished in Iraq or what the state of Islamic terrorism is, and they want to control this country?

The Donks keep saying that Iraq is just like Vietnam, well if they get their way it will be. We will pull out and leave another country undefended against those that want to overthrow it, and watch as millions get slaughtered in the aftermath. The Donks are not only ignorant, they are very dangerous.

Mr Minority

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Will Canada Stand or Run Away?

Al-Qaeda has threatened Canada to withdraw it's troops from Afghanistan or it will be the recipient of 9/11 type attacks (h/t LGF)
OTTAWA - An al-Qaeda strategist has warned Canada to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan or face terrorist attacks similar to 9/11, Madrid and the London transit bombings.

The threat, attributed to a member of the al-Qaeda information and strategy committee, condemns Prime Minister Stephen Harper for refusing to pull out of Afghanistan.

It also refers to Canada's "fanatic adherence to Christianity" as well as its purported attempts to "damage the Muslims" and its support for the "Christian Crusade" against al-Qaeda.

"Despite the strong, increasing opposition to spread its forces in the fire of South Afghanistan, it seems that they will not learn the lesson easily," Hossam Abdul Raouf writes.

"They will either be forced to withdraw their forces or face an operation similar to New York, Madrid, London and their sisters, with the help of Allah."

So I pose my question, will Canada stand up against this terrorist threat? Or will they run away like Spanish chickens? It used to be that you could consider Canadians as having the same strong western values and fortitude as Americans, but since the 90's I question this. I would love to see Canada thumb their noses at al-Qaeda and tell them to bugger off, but will they? I still have faith in Canada and believe that they will stand, because if I don't have this faith, then Canada is lost to me.

Mr Minority

The Donks and Iraq

To the Donks it is all about Iraq, Iraq, the economy, Iraq, and of course Iraq. And their problem is they get get it wrong when it comes to Iraq. Jim Webb came out and spouted the typical Donks talking points about Iraq - Bush has it all wrong.
The only remedy to a series of Iraq policy failures by President Bush is a Democratic takeover of Congress in the Nov. 7 election, Virginia Senate candidate Jim Webb said Saturday.

The former Republican, who was President Reagan's Navy secretary, said in the Democrats' weekly radio address that Bush's "incompetence" in Iraq had undercut the fight against terrorism.

The Donks love to say that the War in Iraq "undercuts" the War on Terrorism, but if you notice they never say HOW it undercuts the WoT.
"Since 2003, President Bush has laid out nine different plans for victory in Iraq, none of them serious and none of them workable. And most seriously, this incompetence has hindered our ability to fight international terror," Webb said.

President Bush's "nine different plans for victory" are what is called flexibility, which is something you need in a dynamic situation. Not inflexibility as the Cut'n'Run policy is.
"A Democratic Congress will demand from day one that the president find a real way forward in Iraq. We'll work with the administration and other Republicans to develop a concrete plan, but none of us are ready to settle for empty rhetoric, or the same old unacceptable results," Webb said.

Campaign rhetoric for Cut'n'Run, which is not a safe solution, but a solution that endangers America.

Maybe the Donks ought to adopt Jim Webb's policy - turn Iraq over and stick it's penis in their mouth.

Mr Minority

Friday, October 27, 2006

Where HAVE You Been, You Dumb EU Wanker!

Some of the crap that comes out of the EU is as bad as what comes out of the UN. I think that they must go to the same Stupid school. Case in point, today the EU's foreign policy chief said that Hamas doesn't want to destroy Israel.
Hamas wants to "liberate the Palestinians," not to destroy Israel, Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday.

In an interview following his talks in Tel Aviv with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Solana insisted that it was "not impossible" for Hamas to change and "recognize the existence of Israel." History had shown that people and nations "adapt to reality," he said. "I don't want to lose hope."

Are you just plain ignorant? Or is it because you are so Pro-Palewhinian that you purposely ignore the statements that Hamas has made in the past?!?!

How about their charter?

Or these posters

Or this statement

Or these

This dishonest Supremo Wankero is purposely lying, because the EU wants to continue to funnel money to the palewhinians and to accomplish this goal they have to state that Hamas is not a terrorist organization.

You know, they deserve to be taken over by Muslims, because they kiss their ass every chance they get. And by the time they open their eyes and see the light, it will be too late.

Here is a tip for you Mr. EU Foreign Minister, pick out your burqua now before there is a rush on them.

Mr Minority

A Come From Behind Win!

Thank you Supreme Court of New Jersey, thank you gay outers, and thank you James Webb, y'all have helped energize the conservative base.

All summer long we were being bombarded with how well the Donks were doing in the polls, and that they were going to overtake Congress, so the conservative base was demoralized. Then we had the outing of Mark Foley. It may have turned off some social cons, but it pissed off the rest. And as the Donk operatives continued in the unproven outings, the base was even more pissed.

Then this week, we had the SCNJ hand down a ruling that would legitimize gay marriages in NJ. Now thing are cooking, the social cons forgot about Mark Foley and are driven again.

Then to top things off, George Allen, who has been having to fend off childish attacks by his opponent James Webb for the last 2 months, came out swinging last night and hit one out of the park by revealing passages from Webb's books. If that doesn't sink Webb, then he is unsinkable.

The Republican steam is picking up going into the last week before the elections and the race should be close. But as I see the conservative base getting more charged up, I think the Donks bit off more than they can chew.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/27

"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American" - Daniel Webster

Mary Katharine Ham - Hey, Liberals, Lecture Me About Racism When You've Stopped Creating More of It

Oliver North - Vietnam and Iraq: Myth vs. Reality

And David Limbaugh - Iraq: The stumbling block

Mr Minority

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ya Better "Back Off" From The Rummeister, Because He Ain't Gonna Take Your Crap!

One of the reasons I like Donald Rumsfeld is his outspokenness, and his straight talk. And he gave the Cut'n'Runners an ear full of that today, telling them to "Back Off!"
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday that critics should "just back off" on demands for deadlines in Iraq and that it is difficult to predict when Iraqis will resume control of their country.

But he said the timelines have no specific deadlines, or consequences if goals are not met by specific dates.

"You're looking for some sort of a guillotine to come falling down if some date isn't met. That is not what this is about," Rumsfeld told reporters.

"They've been discussing the way forward through the rest of this year and next year," Rumsfeld said of discussions between U.S. and Iraqi officials. "As they do that, they then discuss, 'Well, when might something happen?' And it isn't a date. And it isn't a penalty if it doesn't" happen.

The Cut'n'Runners want a deadline, a specific date in which America will have all it's troops withdrawn, and that is a just ludicrous expectation. And basically Rummy tells them that. People that ask for and require a date for the withdrawal really don't understand the situation in Iraq or aren't trying not to understand, thus they are narrow minded in their pushing for a date.

Here I will make it real easy for you Cut'n'Run morons to understand (and it has been said before by President Bush and others) - "We will leave when the situation is stable enough for us to leave." There that wasn't so hard to grasp was it. If it was, then you are hopelessly stupid.

Mr Minority

Preach It Brother!

I have chided Muslim Americans for being silent in the wake of the ongoing Islamic Terrorist activities that the world has been experiencing. And I am happy to report that there is at least one Muslim American that will stand up to these animals (h/t Hot Air).
We're Muslim-Americans - kill us, too

The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, recently issued a decree to its supporters: Kill at least one American in the next two weeks "using a sniper rifle, explosive or whatever the battle may require."

Well, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, I am an American too. Count me as the one of those you have asked your supporters to kill.

I am not alone. There are thousands of Muslims with me in Las Vegas, and many more millions in America, who are proud Americans and who are ready to face your challenge. You hide in your caves and behind the faces of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. You don't show your faces and you have no guts to face Muslims. You thrive on the misery of thousands of Muslim youth and children who are victims of despotism, poverty and ignorance.

During the past two decades, you have brought nothing but shame and disaster to your religion and your world.

Read it all, because he says what we should hear from all Muslim Americans.

Big Kudos to Aslam Abdullah, and thank you for being an American first and then a Muslim.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/26

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away" - Philip K. Dick

Ann Coulter - Dems' favorite Halloween costume: Patriot

Donald Lambro - GOP's last, best hope? GOTV

And Larry Elder - Regarding Iraq: Open letter to Andy Rooney

Mr Minority

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I Just Don't Feel Like Ranting

I read the top news stories today and even some minor ones, and you know what? They don't spark me into ranting about them.

Let's see:
- Michael J Fox sells out to the Donks.
He uses his illness and celebrity status to campaign for a Donk running for the Senate. Bloggers have already talked about it and I have nothing to add.

- Rosie O'Donald is still a Leftie Shrill and has taken the View to new lows. Nothing new there either.

- CAIR says that Muslim in America support the Democrats.
Wow, color me surprised!

- The MSM keep glorify Donk candidates.
Yaaaawn, nothing new.

- The Donks keep trying to tell the public that the economy is in the tank, despite the Dow has past it's record high 3 days in a row, despite the deficiet is a lot lower than expected, despite gas prices are down and despite a very low unemployment rate.
They LIE, and I expect that.

Yep, things are normal, LIES, Shrills, the MSM, and celebrities whoring for Donks, that is why I don't feel like ranting, because I must have become accustomed to the crap I see in the news. I don't like it, but the only way to get rid of it is by keeping the Republicans in power in Congress, then maybe they will be so demoralized that they will give us some peace and quite for a while.

Mr Minority

Hmm, Coincidence? I Don't Think So

Gergetown University recieved a $20 Million grant from a Saudi prince for a "Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding". And all of a sudden Evangical Christian leaders are no longer welcomed on campus. Coincidence? You decide.
The Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University has been renamed after Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal donated $20 million to its projects. And while that may be just the tail, the dog appears to be moving away from its historic Catholic and Jesuit teaching philosophy too.

The Center's leaders say it now will be used to put on workshops regarding Islam, fostering exchanges with the Muslim world, addressing U.S. policy towards the Muslim world, working on the relationship of Islam and Arab culture, addressing Muslim citizenship and civil liberties, and developing exchange programs for students from the Muslim world.

The "Christian" part of the center's projects at the university that has a history of 200 years of higher education following its Christian founding, is conspicuous by its absence in its website plans for its 10-year future.

But that won't be a surprise to leaders of a number of Christian evangelical groups whose leaders recently were told to leave the campus and not list Georgetown University as a site for operations in the future.

PC Administrators and Muslims don't like Evangelical Christians, because they have no problem speaking their mind and calling a spade, a spade and they can't have that! They want to placate their big money contributor, thus the truthful Christians must go.

Georgetown was founded by Jesuits and was to be a Christian university of higher learning, but we might as well call it what it really is - a madrassa

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/25

"True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others, at whatever cost" - Arthur Ashe

Michael Medved - Eight reasons conservatives must vote on November 7th

Paul Greenberg - He may be the GOP's only hope

And Michelle Malkin - Blabbermouth, blabbermouth Dems

Mr Minority

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ohhhhh! HollyWeird Hypocrisy

The Limousine Liberals of HollyWeird are so much fun to bash, and so easy too. I especially like the Eco-Actors and Actresses, because they love to portray themselves as being eco-friendly, driving eco-cars and jet-setting around the world in gas guzzling planes.
Hybrid cars are all the rage in Hollywood. Celebrities drive them like they're a badge of honor. You save a few gallons of gas, you save the planet. Right? Well, not when you hop on a private jet and burn enough fuel to propel NASCAR through 2050.

Of course, the stars need to go here and there. The location shoots, the fabulous vacations, etc. But that's why God created United Airlines. G-IV's, on the other hand, were created in the image of precious celebs.

Let's see we have Julia Roberts, Big Booty J-Lo, Looney Clooney, and The Pitts all driving eco-cars that nullify their gas savings by flying everywhere in private jets.

Ya gotta love those HollyWeird Hypocrites!

Mr Minority

Polls, Schmolls, The MSM is Trying to Discourage Us

The bombardment of the voters by the MSM and their "polls" is meant to discourage value voters either to stay home or to switch to the Dark Side.

Independent Voters will vote Donk (by the WaPo)
Two weeks before the midterm elections, Republicans are losing the battle for independent voters, who now strongly favor Democrats on Iraq and other major issues facing the country and overwhelmingly prefer to see them take over the House in November, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The new poll underscores how much of a drag the war threatens to be on Republican candidates in competitive races. With debate underway in Washington about possible course changes in Iraq, Americans cite the war as the most important issue in determining their vote next month more often than any other issue, and those who do favor Democrats over Republicans by 76 percent to 21 percent.

War, economy sway race (USA Today)
WASHINGTON — Two weeks before Election Day, voters are more focused on national issues than in any previous congressional election, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, and they express unprecedented pessimism on the war in Iraq and downbeat attitudes about the economy.

Just 19% of those surveyed say the United States is winning in Iraq, an all-time low. And 38% say their own member of Congress doesn't deserve re-election, an all-time high.

Both of these reports are meant to be self fulfilling prophecies, meaning they want people to believe them and their polls.

We went through the same crap in 2004, with every MSM and poll claiming that Kerry was going to win. I for one don't believe this crap from either of these biased sources, and I won't believe the Republicans are losing until Nov 8th.

'Nuff Said

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/24

"The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good" - Baltasar Gracian

Dennis Prager - A vote for Patty Wetterling can hurt children

Paul Weyrich - Election Turnout and Alternatives

And Thomas Sowell - A blank check from America

Mr Minority

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Donks are Doomed!

America will vote two weeks from tomorrow, and the results are not going to be the way the MSM and Donks believe. How do I know this? Because of the current activity of the Donks and the Leftie Trolls that have been making their way across the Right side of the blog-o-sphere.

All summer long we have been bombarded by the Donks mouthpiece, the MSM, into believing that the Donks are ahead in the polls, the Republicans are in upheaval and it is the Donks time to win. Then came the rash of dirty tricks, the manaca story, the outings and the constant barrage of corruption lies. Does that sound like a party that is assured of victory? It sounds like a party that is trying it's hardest to demoralize the conservative voters and keep them away from the voting booth.

Then there has been the rash of Leftie Trolls that have spouting off phrases like this: "It's funny, really. The Republican Party is collapsing in corruption and disgrace." This is not coming from confidence of an assured victory, this is their inferiority complex kicking in, thus they must spout this crap to maintain their imagined superior position.

The outings and spoutings will backfire on the Donks, because what they have just done was energized the Republicans base. Read the postings from around the right side of the 'sphere from this summer and you will see depression and rejection. Now read the postings, and you see the new excitement that is being generated to vote and put the Donks back into their place as the obstructionist minority party of Congress.

The Donks and their kool-aide drinking followers don't understand the American public, they believe us to be sheeple that would gladly follow what ever the MSM tells us, and in that is where they totally misjudge us.

The outing of Foley is what turned the tide, they thought that by outing Foley, they could alienate the social conservative from voting Republican. It may work on some of the hard headed social-cons, but it pissed the rest of off.

I am not voting Republican because I believe that everything they do is right. I am voting Republican (and I am not a Republican, I consider myself a Constitutionalist) because I love my country. I love America, I love that we are the only nation in the world with God Given Rights that the Gov't is to ensured are not infringed upon. All other nations have rights that are given to them by the Gov't, except America, our Rights are God Given and the Constitution specifies that they are not to be trampled upon. I love that America leads the world in Business and Technology, we have the freedom to be what we can make of ourselves. America has lead the world in inventions, business models and entrepreneurialship. The automobile was just a rich man's toy before Henry Ford got a hold of it, an actual airplane was a dream until the Wright Brothers built one, then we have the semiconductor, the computer chip, lasers, medicines, and who has been the only nation to land several men on the moon?

I am voting for Republicans because I am afraid of what the Donks will do to our country if they regain power in Congress. They have already said that we can expect higher taxes, the impeachment of President Bush and Vice-President Cheney, they will increase entitlement programs that are just money pits and handouts, they we defund the War on Terrorism, thus allowing the terrorist to think we are weak and step up they attempts to attack us again. They will leak security reports even more than they do curently, they plan on defunding our intelligence communities thus making it harder to prevent attacks on America. The Donks are dangerous, their ideas will harm America, and I can't in good conscienceness allow that to happen.

The base is waking up these facts, the outing of Foley, the screams of corruption, are meant to demoralize the base, but the base now realizes that the Donks in power will not just "teach the Republicans a lesson", it will endanger our country.

What ever you do, please vote this coming election, and if you love America, vote Republican, not because they all deserve it, but because the alternative is worse than you can imagine.

Mr Minority

Unions Leave No Doubt That They Are Democrats

Per FAILED candidate John Kerry, if you have a problem, submit it to the UN, and the AFL-CIO is following that advice.
Organized labor is filing an international protest about a federal decision redefining which workers are supervisors exempt from legal protection to join unions.

The AFL-CIO, a federation of more than 50 labor unions with about 9 million members, said it would file a complaint today with the International Labor Organization of the United Nations about a decision this month by the National Labor Relations Board.

The board ruled, 3-2, that nurses who regularly run shifts at health-care facilities should be considered supervisors and exempt from federal protections that cover union membership. The decision could have major implications for workers in other fields, labor leaders say.

Waaa Waaa, I hear a spoiled brat crying because mean Mr. Federal Gov't didn't give the Unions their way. And answer me this: since when does the UN have the authority to force the US Gov't to follow it's rulings?

The AFL-CIO doesn't respect the sovereignty of our Gov't by complaining to the UN, so I say why should the Fed respect the AFL-CIO and their tyrrantical ways? Unions are no longer needed, they are waaaaay past their usefulness to the American worker. In fact I would as far as to say they are a hindrance, cost consumers extra money for products, and are a great nexus for corruption. They think like Donks, they act like Donks, thus they need to trivialized like we do the Donks.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/23

"Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value" - Albert Einstein

Robert D. Novak - October surprises

Michael Barone - Uneasy for a reason

And Doug Powers - Joyful like a fox: Why Hillary is happy

Mr Minority

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Now THAT'S Funny

I have to say that I ripped this off from Frank at IMAO, because if was too funny to pass up.

Imagine you are a loony leftie DUer (I know that's hard, but put on your tinfoil hat and give it a try). Now imagine that you received an e-mail asking you to donate money to the Cut'n'Run party, and you did. Here is the rest of the story (I will not link the DU, so you will have to take my word that this is real):
So I got the DNC grassroots email about having your donation matched by another grassroots donor which I'm sure everyone got. Well, today is my payday so I had a few bucks to donate.......

I went to the website through the email link and felt pretty good about having my little donation doubled by someone else and got this and I'm not sure if it's one of our guys trying to be funny or if it's some damn dirty freeper screwing up the system.

I submit my donation and then get the confirmation screen where you get to see who matched your donation and get a chance to send them an email if you want. This is what I get after my donation.

Get this:

Thank you for your contribution. Each year, tens of thousands of people from across the country make the decision to support the Party and Democratic candidates. Today you stood up and added not only to the Party's available resources, but to the larger sense of community and civic responsibility that we as Democrats stand for.

As part of that community, a Democratic donor agreed to match your contribution today. Their information appears below, and you have the opportunity to send a message to the person who is matching you. If you like, you can exchange information and build a longer-lasting relationship -- or, you can move on without sending a message at all.

Again, thank you for your support.

Your contribution has been matched by:
Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan

A message to you from the person who matched your contribution:
With Democrats in charge of the Congress, America will run like dogs from Iraq. What a glorious day for jihad that will be! Defeat the infidels. Vote Democratic in '06!

What a bunch of friggin animals!

That made my day!

Mr Minority

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Poor Hugo, He Can't Get Any Respect

Cindy Sheehan's Boy Toy, Hugo "Call Me Jug Ears" Chavez has been campaigning vigorously to have his country nominated as a non-voting member of the UN Security Council, to no avail. He has been giving away oil, calling President Bush the Devil, and what has it gotten him - nothing!.
When President Hugo Chavez called President Bush the devil at the United Nations he earned ovations, but most nations rejected his unglossed anti-Americanism this week by frustrating his bid for a Venezuelan seat on the Security Council.


But Chavez, who had hoped to use the seat to be a leading anti-U.S. voice on the world stage, failed to win in any of the 35 voting rounds at the General Assembly and trailed the tiny Central American nation by a margin of 20 to 30 ballots.


The voting showed there was little appetite around the world for following Chavez, even if Washington has irked many nations with the sort of aggressive diplomacy it used seeking support for its unpopular invasion of Iraq.

The losses also followed a disappointing second-place showing by Chavez's leftist ally in Ecuador's presidential election Sunday that exposed the limits on his ambition to export his anti-Americanism in the region.

Ecuadorean candidate Rafael Correa, who faces a run-off ballot next month, has since distanced himself from Chavez, reassuring voters he would block the Venezuelan leader from interfering in his presidency.

But with oil prices falling, a tougher-than-expected re-election bid looming in December and a faltering foreign policy, the man who is used to crowds treating him like a Messiah did not show his typical confidence this week.

It is not that the world loves America, it is more that the world sees Chavez as the Dictator Clown that he is. The drop in oil prices hurts Chavez, his secretly backed Latin American Candidates losing hurts Chavez, but most of all Chavez hurts Chavez. He is a yapping Chihuahua dog that puffs up it's chest, yaps continuously, but can be put in it's place by a well place kick. I say the Disgrace Mom needs to go down to Venezuela and console poor Hugo. They make a fine couple don't they.

Mr Minority

Friday, October 20, 2006

What DOESN'T 'Incite' the Religion of Peace?

Print some cartoons of Muhammond in the newspaper and the Muslims go batty, riot and bomb embassies. The Pope said that Islam is spread through violence, and the Muslims go batty, riot and kill Catholic priests and nuns. Now CAIR is saying that John Gibson shouldn't 'incite' Muslims by saying Muslim women in American shouldn't wear a veil.
(CNSNews.com) - Is it "incitement" for a television anchor to express his opinion that the Muslim veil shouldn't be worn in the west? An Islamic civil rights group thinks so. Under the heading of "Incitement Watch," the Council on American-Islamic Relations quotes Fox News anchor John Gibson: "Speaking as an American: no Sharia law, no veils. If you're here, be American," Gibson blogged on the Fox News website on Wednesday. "You don't have to conform," Gibson added. You just have to give up the urge to be separate and apart and unwilling to assimilate like the rest of us." John Gibson hosts "The Big Story" on Fox News. CAIR's "incitement watch" appeared as a small blurb in a news brief circulated on Oct. 19.

There is something majorly wrong with a religion that gets so easily 'incited' and violent at the smallest slight. Islamic leaders keep saying that Islam is the Religion of Peace, I am sorry but actions speak a hell of a lot louder than words, and the actions of Muslim say that they are hair triggered barbarians that will riot, burn, and kill at the slightest percieved slight. Me personally, I say we 'incite' these animals as much as we can, to demonstrate to the world that they are insane and can't be trusted to act civilized.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/20

"Put more trust in nobility of character than in an oath" - Solon

Hugh Hewitt - Now is not the time for doom and gloom

Jonathan Garthwaite - Are you going to be a benchwarmer this election?

And David Limbaugh - Christian conservatives should feast, not fast, on politics

Mr Minority

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Liberal Math: Bush=Hitler, Wal-Mart=Hitler, Thus Wal-Mart=Bush

I got to admit if it wasn't for the Looney Left, I wouldn't laugh or rage as much as I do. Case in point: Union conspiracy links Wal-Mart to President Bush.
(CNSNews.com) - A union-affiliated group says it plans to run campaign ads linking Wal-Mart's "right-wing" agenda with that of President George W. Bush.

In other words, if you hate President Bush, you should hate Wal-Mart as well. It may be a stretch, but the midterm election is just three weeks away.

WakeUpWalMart.com, a group that wants to unionize Wal-Mart employees, has waged a months-long battle against the giant retailer, accusing it of underpaying employees, denying them affordable health care benefits, and shipping jobs overseas.

"The bottom line is while Wal-Mart's dangerous right-wing agenda may be good for George Bush, it is bad for Wal-Mart's employees and bad for America," Paul Blank, campaign director for WakeUpWalMart.com, said on Thursday.

"...bad for America" really means - We are Commies that HATE Capitalist Companies that won't unionize and pay outragous wages and bend over for our extortionist ways. These union thugs HATE Wal-Mart because they won't dhimmi up to their strong arm tactics. And they HATE President Bush because he ignores them, thus they have to assume there is a link between them. The Unions are an anachronism, there usefulness is past, in fact they are more of a hinderence than they are a benefit to the American worker. I am with Wal-Mart on this one - Screw the Unions!

Mr Minority

You Can Definitely Expect to Hear the Screams of Voter Fraud After the Election

Numerous races will be close, thus you can guarantee that the Donks are going to scream and yell voter fraud and disenfranchisement. The NY Slimes published an article that highlighted that some districts are having problems with their new voting machines.
In Maryland, Mississippi and Pennsylvania, a shortage of technicians has vendors for new machines soliciting applications for technical support workers on job Web sites like Monster.com. Ms. Oakley, who is also facing a shortage, raided the computer science department at the University of California, Davis, hiring 60 graduate students as troubleshooters.

Arizona, California, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania are among the states considered most likely to experience difficulties, according to voting experts who have been tracking the technology and other election changes.

“We’ve got new laws, new technology, heightened partisanship and a growing involvement of lawyers in the voting process,” said Tova Wang, who studies elections for the Century Foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “We also have the greatest potential for problems in more places next month than in any voting season before.”

Election officials in many of the states are struggling with delays in the delivery of machines before the election as old-fashioned lever and punch-card machines are phased out. A chronic shortage of poll workers, many of them retirees uncomfortable with new technology, has worsened matters.

Oh my God, it's the end of the World!
This article in not about reporting that some states are having problems getting ready for election day, it is an article in which if something does happen and the Republicans win, they can say "I Told You So!"

But what is worse than the Slimes is a Leftie Activist group is offering rewards to "election-rigging" whistleblowers.
(CNSNews.com) - In an effort to "reclaim democracy," a left-wing activist group is offering whistleblowers a $250,000 reward to expose "election rigging."

In order to qualify for the money, a tipster's information must lead to overturning a House or Senate race and a conviction of the people responsible for rigging the election, according to VelvetRevolution, the network of liberal groups offering the reward.

The organization, a network of 120 "progressive" groups, said elections are vulnerable to rigging and has launched an "Election Protection Strike Force" campaign to "protect this election."

The group has attorneys at the ready to challenge election results and "will put millions of activists ... on notice to be on the lookout for election problems," according to its website.

"The activists will also be primed to engage in protests, marches, meetings and rallies to stop the problem," it states.

I bet they are ready, because that has been the plan all along. And I will bet you a paycheck, that protests will happen OMLY if there is a rumor of foul play in which a Republican wins, not a Donk.

The Donks, the Extreme Left and their PR machine, the MSM, have played dirty all election season long, so why should they stop election day? We can expect chaos post election, because they thrive on chaos, lies and stealing to win elections.

It's going to get nasty.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/19

"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it" - Ayn Rand

George Will - Economic hypochondria

Larry Elder - High school student and his Bush-bashing English teacher

And Ann Coulter - O.J. trials for terrorists

Mr Minority

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Is Desecrating the Koran a Hate Crime?

Another Koran was found in the toilet at Pace University in NYC, and CAIR has pressured the city to designate this as a 'Hate Crime'.
(CNSNews.com) - Under pressure from Muslim advocacy groups, an act of Koran desecration at New York City's Pace University has been declared a hate crime. And now there's a second incident of a Koran ending up in a toilet at the Pace University library. The Council on American-Islamic Relations says a Koran carried into the library was left in a toilet last Friday, in a case similar to that in September. "We once again call on Pace University to take concrete measures to help educate the student population about Islamophobic bigotry and its negative impact on ordinary Muslims and on American society," said CAIR-NY Civil Right Director Maryam Sayar Akbar. It's not clear if the second incident may have come in reaction to the uproar over the first. CAIR-NY, in collaboration with the Association of Muslim American Lawyers, the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force, the NYPD Community Affairs Bureau, and the Muslim Students Association of Pace worked closely with the university in having the September Koran-in-toilet incident documented as a hate crime. According to the New York Daily News, vandals also scrawled a swastika and anti-black slurs in the same bathroom where the Koran was found in September.

A couple of things bother me about this move to make it a 'Hate Crime'. 1) How can it be a crime, when no one was injuried or rights were infringed upon? and 2) Did Free Speech suddenly go out the window because it was a Koran that was in the toilet?

Burning the American Flag is concidered Free speech, but dumping a Koran in the crapper is not? If it was a Bible, would that be concidered a Hate Crime? I doubt it, in fact if it was a Bible, I doubt it would even make the news. Muslims don't want equality, they want undeserved special concideration because of their faith, and I for one am tired of it.

And this leads us to my first question: How could this be concidered a crime?

There is tolerence and then there is butt-kissing, and letting CAIR push this incident into be classified as a Hate Crime is just old fashion butt-kissing by PC twits with no spines.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/18

"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please" - Mark Twain

Michael Medved - "I'm okay; You're pathetic" syndrome may yet save GOP

Tony Blankley - No thanks, we're stupid

Michelle Malkin - A reality check for Angelina Jolie

And John Stossel - Trade restrictions stick it to consumers

Mr Minority

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sing Along With Me: "These are 3 of My Favorite Things..." - Ted the Swimmer, the MSM and the Looney Left

You would think that there is a full moon for the whole month of October by the listening to the Lunatic Left, their PR machine the MSM and the Donk's favorite drunken Senator from Mass. Ted "Haha, I Can Swim and You Can't" Kennedy.

Let's start with the Swilling Swimmer Teddy:
(CNSNews.com) - If Senate Democrats pick up six seats on Nov. 7, "George Bush will finally have to answer for misleading us into the war in Iraq and for grossly exceeding his constitutional power," said Sen. Ted Kennedy. In a fund-raising message sent on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Kennedy writes that Democratic Senate candidates "have all the momentum right now," but still need money - around $850,000 to meet an Oct. 20 goal of $2.6 million. "Please help us take our country back from George Bush's failed leadership, narrow ideology, and his backers on the far right. America can't afford two more years of his incompetent leadership on Iraq," Kennedy says. He did not use the word impeachment, although other Democrats have. Kennedy does mention that Democrats "will stand up to George Bush and his disastrous foreign policy," something they are doing right now.

So Teddy wants to impeach President Bush for non-existent crimes, while ignoring the fact of his crime in which he was so casually aloud to skate free of? Two things surprize me about this statement by Teddy, 1)That he was sober enough to complete a full sentence and 2) That he forgot to say that Bush=Hitler.

Now for the Donk Lackeys, the MSM. The economy has be good for years, reasonable growth, low unemployment, and a reduced deficit, but according the MSM, everything is gloom and doom:
(CNSNews.com) - Network news stories have painted a bleak picture of an economy in decline in an effort to keep President Bush's approval numbers low, according to a study released Monday by a group dedicated to challenging misconceptions in the media about free enterprise.

Reporters on ABC, CBS and NBC "treated gas prices as a metaphor for the economy -- only when they were high," said Dan Gainor, director of the BMI, which is a division of the Media Research Center, the parent organization of Cybercast News Service.

"Unemployment is a low 4.7 percent. Gas prices have declined once again -- more than 75 cents from their recent highs," Gainor stated. "And though the economy actually grew just 2.6 percent in the second quarter of 2006, that followed the rapid expansion of the first quarter -- revised upward to 5.6 percent."

Nevertheless, "polls have repeatedly shown a public that is dissatisfied with the economy under President Bush," he said.

The BMI study resulted in several significant findings, including:

-- Reports negatively charged: More than twice as many stories and briefs focused on negative aspects of the economy (62 percent), compared to good news (31 percent). News broadcasts dwelled on one prospective cataclysm after another, yet each time, the economy continued unfazed.

-- Negative stories given more air time: Bad news was emphasized on all three networks. Negative news appeared in full-length stories twice as often as it appeared in shorter, brief items. Good news was relegated to briefs. More good news appeared in brief form than as full-length stories.

-- Man-on-the-street interviews spin stories: Reporters used ordinary people to underscore negative stories by roughly a 3-to-1 ratio over positive. Since these are interviews chosen entirely by the reporter, this shows particular bias. NBC was especially bad at this, featuring negative accounts six times as often as positive ones.

-- Worst network: More than 80 percent of the full-length stories on the "CBS Evening News" delivered a negative view of the economy -- easily the worst of the three broadcast news programs. The network hid the good news of jobs or economic growth in short items. More than 56 percent of CBS's brief stories were positive.

Just reporting the news, flew out the window decades ago, distorting the facts to fit their viewpoint is what "news" organizations are all about. Fact: The economy has been great (concidering the impact of 9/11) under President Bush. MSM: It sucks! And these news networks expect us to believe and trust them? Not even as far as I can throw fat-ass Katie!

And finally, my favorites, the Looney Left and their conspiracy theories. To represent the Loony Left we have a nutroots "Progressive" blogger at the "Crisis Papers" already claiming that the Mid-term elections are rigged:
The Bush administration can not allow the Democrats to take control of either house of Congress. And they are in a position to prevent it, regardless of the will of the American voters.

These are the two controlling facts that make all other conditions of the coming election trivial in comparison, or even irrelevant. The failure of the media and even the Democratic Party to acknowledge and deal with these facts in no way diminishes their significance. Quite the contrary.

And why can’t the Busheviks allow the loss of even one house of Congress to the Democrats? Such a loss might, of course, result in the halting and even some reversal of the Bush/GOP agenda. But that is the least of their concerns. Far more important would be the reestablishment of Congressional oversight -- of investigations, with the penalties of perjury and contempt of Congress, into vast array of crimes committed by the Bush administration. Among these crimes are bribery, the disappearance of billions of dollars in Iraq, war crimes, the disregard of acts of Congress, lying to Congress, and fraudulent elections. In a new, Democratic, House of Representatives, the incorruptible Henry Waxman, as the new Chair of the Government Affairs Committee, would doggedly examine and expose the corruption of the Bush Administration, and John Conyers, the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, would, at long last, energetically investigate the issue of stolen elections. Accordingly, Bush and his partners in crime face far more than a curtailment of power; they face possible indictment, prosecution, and prison sentences for their crimes.

How, then, might the Busheviks avoid accountability for their crimes by remaining in control of the Congress? The same way that they seized control of the White House in 2000, and maintained control of Congress and the White House in 2004, namely by rigging these elections through their surrogates in “the election industry.”

That is enough of his tripe to quote, and to be honest with you, I didn't read the whole thing, because I just ate lunch. Ernie represents the typical Leftie Moonbat that blames everything that is bad that happen to him on President Bush, whether it be diaper rash when he was young or the possiblity of the Donks not regaining control in the House or Senate. I have no simpathy for loons like Ernie, because these people suffer from a self-inflicted mental disease and refuse treatment or to actually make a attempt to grasp reality.

If the Left wasn't so dangerous to our country and culture, I would just laugh and shake my head at their antics, but when they actually are given credence, then I worry that they may have an influence on the general public's perceptions.

I would like to end this post with a prayer:
"Dear God, please protect this great nation from people like Teddy the Swimmer, the Liberal MSM and Ernie the Loon and empower people like Karl Rove to come up with an election winning October Surprize. And dear God, we know you control all things, so please remember that the Diebold machines are suppose to register the "R" vote only.
Thank You, and Amen"

Mr Minority

Are We or Are We Not at WAR with North Korea?

The UN is imposing watered down sanctions against North Korea, and Kimmie-poo is having a major hissy fit and said that the sanctions are declaration of WAR!
North Korea says UN sanctions imposed after its nuclear bomb test are a declaration of war, state media says.

Pyongyang also warned of "merciless" blows against any country infringing on its sovereignty, the official KCNA news agency reported.


"The resolution cannot be construed otherwise than a declaration of a war" against the North, the statement from the foreign ministry said, echoing comments made by North Korea's ambassador to the UN on Saturday.

So are we or are we not at war with North Korea? Do we prepare for a violent opening round of Nork soldiers crossing the Korean DMZ? Or do we just chalk this one up as a childish temper tantrum by Little Kim?

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/17

"No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit" - Helen Keller

Dennis Prager - Some sobering lessons from Muslim taxi drivers

Thomas Sowell - Can we talk?

And David Limbaugh - John Kerry's consistent inconsistencies

Mr Minority

Monday, October 16, 2006

Ya Gotta Love Judge Scalia

Supreme Court Justice Scalia is an outspoken judge and a very Constitutional supporting judge, which sometimes get him trouble with the looney left. But he also is a judge that follows the Constitution as he should, and expects our laws and Gov't to follow it too. This is evident in his answers in his recent debate against the ACLU.
Justice Antonin Scalia on Sunday defended some of his Supreme Court opinions, arguing that nothing in the Constitution supports abortion rights and the use of race in school admissions.

Scalia, a leading conservative voice on the high court, sparred in a one-hour televised debate with American Civil Liberties Union president Nadine Strossen. He said unelected judges have no place deciding politically charged questions when the Constitution is silent on those issues.

Arguing that liberal judges in the past improperly established new political rights such as abortion, Scalia warned, "Someday, you're going to get a very conservative Supreme Court and regret that approach."

"On controversial issues on stuff like homosexual rights, abortion, we debate with each other and persuade each other and vote on it either through representatives or a constitutional amendment," the Reagan appointee said.

"Whether it's good or bad is not my job. My job is simply to say if those things you find desirable are contained in the Constitution," he said.


"There are some rights that are so fundamental that no majority can take them away from any minority, no matter how small or unpopular that minority might be," she said. "And who is better positioned to represent and defend and be the ultimate backstop for rights of individuals and minorities than those who are not directly accountable in the electoral process _ namely federal judges?"


"The Constitution very clearly forbids discrimination on the basis of race," Scalia said in response to a question by moderator Pete Williams of NBC. "It doesn't seem to me to allow Michigan to say we think it's good to discriminate on the basis of race when you want to make sure everyone is exposed to different backgrounds. We cannot use race as the test of diversity."

Whether it is abortion, affirmative action in college admissions, flag burning, the Ten Commandments being displayed on public lands or the seizer of private lands, all must abide by our Constitution. And Justice Scalia is a great example of a judge that looks to the Constitution as the source for determining the legality of these types of issues, not foreign laws or public opinion. The Supreme Court needs more Scalias, hell the whole Federal Court systems needs to be full of Scalias! Then this country could run the way our Founding Fathers set it up to run, not as a 'feel good' society, but as a structured society in which people's God given rights are respected and the Gov't is held accountable to following the Constitution as written.

I wonder if we can clone Scalia?

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/16

"Be as beneficent as the sun or the sea, but if your rights as a rational being are trenched on, die on the first inch of your territory" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Star Parker - Must things get worse in order to get better?

Michael Barone - 2006 Realignment? No

And Doug Powers - 'Mr. Soros, Air America on line 2'

Mr Minority

Sunday, October 15, 2006

All Right, Listen Up Conservative Voters!

All week I linked Thomas Sowell's "Frivolous politics" Parts 1-4 columns in my Opinions of the Day postings. If you haven't read them, I encourage you to do so now:

Frivolous politics

Frivolous politics: Part II

Frivolous politics: Part III

Frivolous politics: Part IV

Thomas, or Tom as he tells me to call him (ok, that was a lie), makes the case which all conservative voters have been thinking about concerning the upcoming election. And that is: the Republicans have pissed us off by being wussies and not holding to our conservative ideals, but the alternative is a hell of lot worse. Am I upset about the spending the Republican Congress has racked up? Yes, but it could be worse with Pelosi in charge. Am I upset with the lack of a good immigration bill being passed? Yes, but with the Donks in power, there would be unfettered and ramped illegal immigration and the legitamizing of Illegal immigrants. Am I pissed that the Republicans haven't pulled the Nuclear Option in the Senate to stop the Donk's obstructionism of President Bush's nominees? Hell, yes, but if the Donks control the Senate, the nominees wouldn't even make it out of committee ans slandered on C-Span. The situation is grim for conservatives, we dislike several stands that our elected officials have taken on the important issues, but the alternative is actually scarier. I liken it to having the choice of having someone slice your finger with a dull knife or cutting off your whole hand with a rock. Neither is acceptable, but between the two, we would have to take the slice on the finger. We must vote for the lesser of two evils, that is the only choice to make.

And the last option of not voting at all, is really not an option, it is a cop out, because it allows the tormentor to make the choice for you, and guess what? If the tormentor ends up being the Donks, it is your hand coming off via repeated hammering with a rock.

This election is too important to sit on the side lines and allow the Donks to win control of Congress, because even though we dislike the Republican controlled Congress, we should be repulsed by the idea of a Donk controlled Congress that would raise our taxes, enable terrorism, impeach President Bush for unwarrented crimes and ruin our growing economy.

So encourage your friends to vote, and to vote to save what little we have gained, and to definitely not sit it out.

Mr Minority

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Screw 'Em!

I am tired of the world (with the exception of a few) berating America for this and that. And I say Screw Them!

I just read an article in which former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said that America is suffering from "victors" complex and that we have made things in the world worse. I say Screw Him.

Europe berates us, the Middle East berates us, China, Muslims, hell damn near everybody except Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Poland, Taiwan and Israel snipes at America.

So it's times to become isolationists, pull out of the UN, to hell with the EU, Screw Russia, Screw Muslims (we don't need them, their oil or their barbaric religion) and forget it everybody if you think that you can receive free money from us anymore. If we were to stop all foreign aid money (including dollars to the UN), we can actually help our own instead ungrateful bastards that love to bite the hand that feeds them. We will maintain trade, honor our current commitments, but it's "Kiss My Ass" time after that. Put up a big hunkin' fence across our border with Mexico, because we don't need them either. Cast off the leaches and pump up efforts to improve relations and trade with those countries that actually want a good relationship with America. I am tired of helping some country get back on their feet just to have them stab us in the back when it's turned.

So the world turns into a shithole without us keeping the peace and bailing them out, Who Cares?!?! So a bunch of barbaric wankers lay waste to Europe, Who Cares?!?!

We will honor our treaties with our friends and everyone else can bite the big one. And if any pus-nugget tries to pull something funny with our friends, then they will glow in the dark, because we don’t care if their third world sewer pit is radioactive, you didn’t like us anyway.

I am tired of the ingrates of the world, Screw 'Em!!!

Mr Minority

Friday, October 13, 2006

Air America Caught in Another Lie

Rumors swirled around the 'sphere a month ago about Air America going belly up, with Franken and clowns denying the rumors. All we had to do was wait for their LIE to be exposed.
Air America Radio, a liberal talk and news radio network, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, a network official told the AP.

The network had denied rumors just a month ago that it would file for bankruptcy, but on Friday Air America said negotiations with a creditor from the company's early days had broken down.

The network will stay on the air while it resolves issues with its creditors, spokeswoman Jaime Horn told the Associated Press. A formal announcement was expected to be made later Friday.

Nope, nothing to see, just move along.

Or as the old saying goes: "Good riddance to bad rubbish"

Mr Minority

The Donks are Egotistical Idiots Full of Hubris

The definition of hubris is:

1. pride: Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance; belief in your own importance

2. excessive ambition: the excessive pride and ambition that usually leads to the downfall of a hero in classical tragedy

And that is exactly what the Democratic Party is full of.

To highlite this claim, we have Nancy "Don't Look at the Man Behind the Curtain" Pelosi and John "Cut'n'Run" Muthra.

Nancy is claiming a political coup d'état:
Often ignored or even mocked by Bush during his six years as president, Pelosi, now the House Democratic minority leader, told Reuters in an interview: "If we are in charge, he'll have to listen."

As if girlfriend!

Let me clue you in on something, Nancy, if the Donks take power in Congress, the public can expect to see chaos, impeachment proceedings, and the screaming of little children that demand attention and your reign will only last 2 years at the most. The Donks offer nothing constructive, just destructive ideas and morals. And here is another clue for you, President Bush will turn his back and ignore you as he would a barking toy poodle chained to a tree.

Then we have Cut'n'Run Muthra, or should I say "Screw 'Em" Muthra:
Screw them," Rep. John Murtha said of Republicans in an email sent to the liberal political group MoveOn.org on Wednesday. The Pennsylvania Democrat, who is urging a U.S. military withdrawal from Iraq, added that he needs its members' help to throw GOP congressmen "out of power -- as many of them as possible."

I am now going to have to change Muthra's name to "Abscam, Cut'n'Run, Screw 'Em" Muthra, and if he keeps this up, I am going to have to resort to using an acronym for his name. Murtha has gone from being an idiot wimp Donk to consorting with the Emperor Palatine Soros and his Sith MoveOn.org dark forces, and we all know what happens to those that turn to the Dark Side. Muthra goes on saying that the Republicans are evil, they don't listen to him, blah, blah, blah. What a worthless windbag, in fact he is acting and sounding like Ted the Swimmer every day, and that is not a complement.

These two typify what the Donks are saying now that they think they are going to regain power in Congress, and that is enough that people should be scared and vote Republican.

Oh, and did you catch the last part of the definition of hubris? "the excessive pride and ambition that usually leads to the downfall of a hero in classical tragedy". Let's hope that comes true.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/13

"Definition of Politics: "Poli" in latin meaning "many" and "tics" meaning "blood-sucking parasites" - Anon.

Mike Gallagher - Where will the values voter place their bet?

La Shawn Barber - White Student Sues For Racial Discrimination

David Limbaugh - The underestimated communicator

And Thomas Sowell - Frivolous politics: Part IV

Mr Minority

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Know Thy Terms

I throw around despriptive terms a lot, like: imbecile, idiot, moron and demented. But then again, I also know what they mean and how some of them are ranked.

You know, there is a ranking order for Idiot, Imbecile and Moron. See, just check the definitions:

- having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers.
- an intelligence quotient under 25.

- having a mental age of seven or eight years and generally being capable of some degree of communication and performance of simple tasks under supervision.
- an intelligence quotient of 25 to 50.

- A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education.
- an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.

That's right, an Idiot is the lowest mentally, then Imbecile, and at the top of the heap is Moron. So if you call someone a Moron, then they are not as stupid (see below) as an Imbecile or an Idiot, but if you call someone an Idiot, then they are at the bottom rung of Stupidity.

Which brings us to Stupid and Cretin:

- lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
- Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.

- a stupid, obtuse, or mentally defective person.

I kinda like the word "obtuse" and probably don't use it enough, when Stupid is so readily available and everyone knows what you mean.

And for my final word (and the one I use most often), Demented:

- Mentally ill; insane.
- Suffering from dementia or a loss of cognitive function

None of these words are nice to call someone, but I find them to be very descriptive when dealing with people like Al Gore, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, the Kos Kidz and any Leftie. Because they assign the stigma of being metally inferior to the rest of humanity, which their actions and statements reflect. Think about it, would anyone other than a idiot say: "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it." (thank you John) or a imbecile say: "...But the most important question at this time, now that we're toward the end of it, is what is the cost to the war on terrorism?" (thank you Nancy). Or you have the very demented (Mentally ill; insane,loss of cognitive function) ideas of the Truthers, thinking the Bush Admin. had something to do with the World Trade Centers being attacked. I mean you have to menatlly ill or insane to think that there was a plot to blow up the WTC by our own Gov't.

So yes I will continue to use these terms to describe the morons (or idiots) that I see and hear make statements that make you think to yourself: "My God! What the hell did they just say?!?!?!" or "You can tell there was no thinking involved with that statement".

And you know what? These words wouldn't be in the dictionary if there weren't people that fit the terms.

(Please note, that I would never use these terms to describe someone with a true mental retardation, because that would be cruel and crass)

Mr Minority

Global Warming Fascists Want Trials for Deniers

The Chicken Littles that have been running around the world screaming "Global Warming! Global Warming!" don't like the fact that there are scientists that disagree with them and especially in public. So instead of having a civilized debate on the subject (which would make them look like the alarmist that they are), they want to put these skeptics on Nuremberg-style trials.
A U.S. based environmental magazine that both former Vice President Al Gore and PBS newsman Bill Moyers, for his October 11th global warming edition of “Moyers on America” titled “Is God Green?” have deemed respectable enough to grant one-on-one interviews to promote their projects, is now advocating Nuremberg-style war crimes trials for skeptics of human caused catastrophic global warming. Grist Magazine’s staff writer David Roberts called for the Nuremberg-style trials for the “bastards” who were members of what he termed the global warming “denial industry.”

Roberts wrote in the online publication on September 19, 2006, "When we've finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we're in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these bastards -- some sort of climate Nuremberg.”

So to these fascists, if you don't toe the party line and scream global warming, you should be put on trial like a Jew killing Nazi? There is something wrong with this picture!

The Global Warming scientists and spokesmen (say hello Al gore) have created a CULT, in which if you aren't in the cult, you are evil and should be burned on the stake for your non-belief. These people scare me, not because of their idiotic message, but because they are willing to do anything to force people to obey and jump through hoops to prevent something that doesn't need preventing. Very scary bunch of nuts.

I wonder if we can sell them on the idea that Global Warming can be prevented if they castrate themselves, then suicide to catch a spaceship hiding in the Hale-Bop comet? Just an idea to ponder upon.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/12

"The soul that is within me no man can degrade" - Frederick Douglass

Mike S. Adams - Legislating morality

Thomas Sowell - Frivolous politics: Part III

Larry Elder - Are Democrats winning the battle on ethics and the economy?

And Ann Coulter - Clinton's new glow job

Mr Minority

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A History Lesson

As George Santayana said: "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

So here is a little history lesson for you:

Humans existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunter/gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the summer & would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster in winter.

The 2 most important events in all of history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was invented to get man to the beer. These were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into 2 distinct subgroups: Liberals and Conservatives.

Once beer was discovered it required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early human ancestors were sitting around waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That's how villages were formed.

Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to B-B-Q at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as "the Conservative movement."

Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting learned to live off the conservatives by showing up for the nightly B-B-Q's and doing the sewing, fetching and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the Liberal movement. Some of these liberal men eventually evolved into women The rest became known as 'girliemen.'

Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy and group hugs and the concept of Democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that conservatives provided.

Over the years conservatives came to be symbolized by the largest, most powerful land animal on earth, the elephant. Liberals are symbolized by the jackass.

Modern liberals like imported beer (with lime added), but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare.

Another interesting revolutionary side note: most of their women have higher testosterone levels than their men. Most social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists, dreamers in Hollywood and group therapists are liberals. Liberals invented the designated hitter rule because it wasn't "fair" to make the pitcher also bat.

Conservatives drink domestic beer. They eat red meat and still provide for their women. Conservatives are big-game hunters, rodeo cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors, police officers, corporate executives, Marines, athletes and generally anyone who works productively. Conservatives who own companies hire other conservatives who want to work for a living.

Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to "govern" the producers and decide what to do with the production. Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than Americans. That is why most of the liberals remained in Europe when conservatives were coming to America. They crept in after the Wild West was tame and created a business of trying to get MORE for nothing.

And that ends our History Lesson for today.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/11

"Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold -- but so does a hard-boiled egg" - Anon.

Michelle Malkin - Liberal media allergic to American values

John Stossel - McDonald's didn't make them fat

And Thomas Sowell - Frivolous politics: Part II

Mr Minority

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ted Turner Wins Moron of the Year Award

"I heart North Korea" Ted Turner has to be one of the most moronic people to stand in front of a microphone. There is a video on YouTube (Thanks, Matt Drudge) that shows Ted saying that he doesn't know whether he can support the War on Terrorism or not. And another one with him saying that CNN and the American news media should not have shown the American Flag during their broadcast of the Iraqi War.

Him marrying Jane Fonda I can see as a perfect match, she hates America and he hates America, she is an anti-War activist, and he is an anti-War activist.

Why people listen to this Michael Moore wannabe, I have no idea, but Ted represents the worse that this country has to offer, and what is worse is that people want him to talk, and they listen to him. Ted has the right to say what ever he wants, but that doesn't make what he is saying right. What an anti-American Putz!

Mr Minority

Mexico to Whine to the UN

The Bill to build a 700 mile fence between the US and Mexico has passed Congress and awaits President Bush's signature. But whiny baby Mexico doesn't want a fence to stop the flow of it's citizens entering the US ILLEGALLY, so it plans on tattling to Uncle Kofi about mean ol' America.
Mexico's foreign secretary said Monday the country may take a dispute over U.S. plans to build a fence on the Mexican border to the United Nations.

Luis Ernesto Derbez told reporters in Paris, his first stop on a European tour, that a legal investigation was under way to determine whether Mexico has a case.

The Mexican government last week sent a diplomatic note to Washington criticizing the plan for 700 miles of new fencing along the border. President-elect Felipe Calderon also denounced the plan, but said it was a bilateral issue that should not be put before the international community.


"What should be constructed is a bridge in relations between the two countries," Derbez said.

I bet you want a bridge Mr. Secretary, which would allow more of your citizens to cross over into the US. Let's see if there is US law preventing a border fence to be built, nope don't see one, so what is the problem?

Mexico is trying to dictate what we can and cannot do in our own country, and taking the issue to the UN won't force us to reconsider either. In case it skipped your feeble mind, the purpose of the fence is to PREVENT your citizens from crossing over, you know the ones that your can't provide jobs for, the ones that you allow to wallow in poverty, while you line your pockets with gold. This OUR country Ernesto, not yours, and if we want to build a fence to stop people from entering OUR country, we can damn well do what we please. So take a hike stubby, and whining to the EU and UN won't win you any brownie points, because we don’t like them either.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/10

"One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives" - Mark Twain

Dennis Prager - The best are killed in every generation

Cal Thomas - The case for continuing the GOP majority

And Thomas Sowell - Frivolous politics

Mr Minority

Monday, October 09, 2006

What Affect Will the Foleygate Scandal Have on Christian Value Voters?

The Donk's October Surprise smear campaign was calculated to offend the Republican's Value Voters base, but what affect has it had on this base?

Naturally the pollers were ready and willing to see what the affect would be on the "people". So let's start with the Newsweek poll:
For the first time since 2001, the NEWSWEEK poll shows that more Americans trust the Democrats than the GOP on moral values and the war on terror. Fully 53 percent of Americans want the Democrats to win control of Congress next month, including 10 percent of Republicans, compared to just 35 percent who want the GOP to retain power. If the election were held today, 51 percent of likely voters would vote for the Democrat in their district versus 39 percent who would vote for the Republican. And while the race is closer among male voters (46 percent for the Democrats vs. 42 percent for the Republicans), the Democrats lead among women voters 56 to 34 percent.

Gloom and Doom, the Donks in control. But is this due to the Foleygate scandal or just due to the dissatisfaction with Congress in general?

Now let's hear from the "Kerry Will Win" Zogby:
Polling by Zogby International this summer and fall shows this undecided audience, having sat through ugly plot twists involving Foley, William Jefferson, Bob Ney and Jack Abramoff, and others, may be disgusted with the program. Congressional job approval is at just over 20% positive - a low not seen since the midterm elections of 1994, the last time this Washington production faced massive changes in the cast.

The latest Reuters/Zogby poll, released this past week, shows America’s undecided likely voters—almost a conundrum in that they are planning to vote in the midterm elections but can’t decide whom to support—have swelled to such numbers that they may well hold the key to who will control the gavels on Capitol Hill.

Pollster John Zogby: "There are certain groups I look at to see how they are trending, and it’s interesting this year. For instance, born-again Christians generally can be counted on to give Republicans 70% to 75% of their support, and the rest go to the Democrats. But this year, what I’ve seen is that in the races where the Democrats are leading, the Republicans are getting only 52% to maybe 61% of the born-again support. But what’s happening is, the Democrats are not getting the rest. They are instead moving into the undecided column, and that’s standard. That means they are disappointed in the Republicans, and whether or not they can be brought back into the fold is the challenge for the GOP.

Instead of moving over to voting for a Donk, they seem to have become "undecided" voters. This is a good thing or maybe a bad thing, that means that they can either decide to still vote for the local Republican or decide not to vote at all.

But the one poll I fond real interesting was in an article by the NY Slimes in which they directly asked Christian Value voters what they thought:
VIRGINIA BEACH, Oct. 7 — As word of Representative Mark Foley’s sexually explicit e-mail messages to former pages spread last week, Republican strategists worried — and Democrats hoped — that the sordid nature of the scandal would discourage conservative Christians from going to the polls.

But in dozens of interviews here in southeastern Virginia, a conservative Christian stronghold that is a battleground in races for the House and Senate, many said the episode only reinforced their reasons to vote for their two Republican incumbents in neck-and-neck re-election fights, Representative Thelma Drake and Senator George Allen.


Most of the evangelical Christians interviewed said that so far they saw Mr. Foley’s behavior as a matter of personal morality, not institutional dysfunction.

All said the question of broader responsibility had quickly devolved into a storm of partisan charges and countercharges. And all insisted the episode would have little impact on their intentions to vote.

These responses are what I feel are a true representation of the Christian base. The blame falls on Foley, not the Republican Party, which is not what the Donks want to see. I also feel that the smear campaign may actually backfire and energize the Republican voters, not to sit back and abstain from voting, but to see the Donks as power hungry mud slingers that should not be allowed to control Congress.

We are less than 30 days away from the election, and that is still a lot of time for the Donk's sneakiness to be exposed, and for King Karl to pull a rabbit out of his hat.

National Security, Tax Cuts, strong economy, lower gas prices or Foleygate, which will matter most to the voters?

Mr Minority

Schwarzenegger Hits the Nail on the Head

Arnold has his ups and downs politically, but to me this is one of his best "up" moments. Arnold, being born a foreigner, tells Mexicans to assimulate into American culture.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says some Mexican immigrants "try to stay Mexican" when they come to the United States and he urged them to assimilate into the fabric of American society.


"What I'm saying to the Mexicans is you've got to go and immerse yourself and assimilate into the American culture, become part of the American fabric. That is how Americans will embrace you," he added.

Arnold is speaking from experience, and he does know what he is talking about. America is a melting pot, not because we have people from many different culture, but because these people have assimulated and blended in with everyone else, adding to the pot, not seperating away from the pot.

And naturally, there is "outrage" to what Arnold said.
The governor's "comments today were a calculated political insult to all immigrants," California Democratic Party Chairman Art Torres said in a statement.

Rep. Hilda Solis, D-El Monte, said in a conference call organized by the Democratic Party that "it's not the governor's place to tell immigrants to abandon their language and their culture."

Ah yes, you have the Donks vehemently speaking out against and twisting the words of Arnold's statement, but then again they are just whoring for the ILLEGAL immmigration vote as to be expected.

Arnold is right, the moonbats are wrong, and let's hope that the people listen to the voice of experience.

Mr Minority

Opinions of the Day - 10/9

"I know that every good and excellent thing in the world stands moment by moment on the razor-edge of danger and must be fought for..." - Thornton Wilder

Michael Barone - A Democratic House?

Star Parker - Democratic power no answer to the Foley affair

Robert D. Novak - The Speaker's survival

Kevin McCullough - Why Liberal Feminists Support School Shootings

And Doug Powers - Blame-deflecting press releases – order now!

Mr Minority

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Is It Time that Gay Republicans Come Out of the Closet?

The Foleygate scandal has highlited two issues, how deep is the Democrat's involvement? And should Gay Republicans not be afraid to come out of the closet?

There are a lot more Gay Republicans than the public realizes, but most are afraid to admit it because of the possible backlash by the "value voters".
For many of those men and other gay Republicans in political Washington, reconciling their private lives and public roles has required a discreet existence. But in the last week, the Mark Foley scandal has upset that careful balance.


Some conservative groups blamed the “gay lifestyle” and the gathering force of the “gay agenda” for the scandal. Others equated homosexuality with pedophilia, a link that has long outraged gay men and lesbians.

Conservative blogs and Web sites pointed out that gay staff members played principal roles in investigating the Foley case, suggesting that the party was betrayed by gay men trying to hide misconduct by one of their own. In the meantime, a group of gay activists, angered by what they see as hypocrisy by gay Republicans, have begun circulating a document known as The List, a roster of gay Congressional staff members and their Republican bosses.

The Foleygate scandal is not about Foley being a closet gay, it is about Foley alledgedly trying to solicit cyber sex with a minor. And in actuality, Foley may not have broken any laws because of the age of the young man was over the age of consent in DC. This whole bruhaha is an outing by the Donks to harm the Republican Party and help them regain the power that they lust for.

We need to ask ourselves, why are there Gay Republicans, when Gays generally are very liberal? Mr Bennett answers that question:
When asked why he remains in the party, Mr. Bennett gave an answer common to gay Republicans: he said that he remained fundamentally in sync with the small government principles of the party and its approach to national security, and that he was committed to changing what he considers its antigay attitudes.

“I’m fighting hard, every day,” said Mr. Bennett, who was among a small group of gay Republicans who met with George W. Bush during his 2000 presidential campaign.

The answer is simplier than most people think, it's because they hold the same conservative values and ideas that we do. And all people should.

So this leads us to the question: Why aren't gays accepted in this party?

Because public's view of political gays is tainted by what they see in the media, which is that of the radical gay activists. And these radical gay activists have a liberal agenda which is to shove homosexuality in everybody's face, forced acceptance, and to forced an acceptance on our children, which turns people off to their ideals.

But then you have those gays (and I actually know some) that are openly gay and hold the same views of God, Honor and Country, small Gov't, fiscally conservative, and national security ideals that we do. So what should we conservative do about the gay conservatives in our midst?

I say accept them with open arms, as all should. Because conservatism is not about personal lifestyle, it is about politics and conservative ideals. If we openly accept gay conservative Republicans, then we lose nothing and gain much. We can eliminate the sword of an outing being held by the Donks, we will have those on our side that can combat the radical gay agenda, we show the public that the Republican Party accepts all people that hold the conservative ideals and we gain a portion of a minority group that traditionaly votes Democrat.

I want to make it clear, I view homosexuality as wrong, but that is my opinion that I will not force on anyone else. But I also will accept a homosexual as friend and especially accept them as a member of my political party.

It is time we accept the Gay Conservatives in our midst, so they don't have to stay in the political closet, and with our acceptance, we gain much.

Mr Minority