Monday, October 23, 2006

The Donks are Doomed!

America will vote two weeks from tomorrow, and the results are not going to be the way the MSM and Donks believe. How do I know this? Because of the current activity of the Donks and the Leftie Trolls that have been making their way across the Right side of the blog-o-sphere.

All summer long we have been bombarded by the Donks mouthpiece, the MSM, into believing that the Donks are ahead in the polls, the Republicans are in upheaval and it is the Donks time to win. Then came the rash of dirty tricks, the manaca story, the outings and the constant barrage of corruption lies. Does that sound like a party that is assured of victory? It sounds like a party that is trying it's hardest to demoralize the conservative voters and keep them away from the voting booth.

Then there has been the rash of Leftie Trolls that have spouting off phrases like this: "It's funny, really. The Republican Party is collapsing in corruption and disgrace." This is not coming from confidence of an assured victory, this is their inferiority complex kicking in, thus they must spout this crap to maintain their imagined superior position.

The outings and spoutings will backfire on the Donks, because what they have just done was energized the Republicans base. Read the postings from around the right side of the 'sphere from this summer and you will see depression and rejection. Now read the postings, and you see the new excitement that is being generated to vote and put the Donks back into their place as the obstructionist minority party of Congress.

The Donks and their kool-aide drinking followers don't understand the American public, they believe us to be sheeple that would gladly follow what ever the MSM tells us, and in that is where they totally misjudge us.

The outing of Foley is what turned the tide, they thought that by outing Foley, they could alienate the social conservative from voting Republican. It may work on some of the hard headed social-cons, but it pissed the rest of off.

I am not voting Republican because I believe that everything they do is right. I am voting Republican (and I am not a Republican, I consider myself a Constitutionalist) because I love my country. I love America, I love that we are the only nation in the world with God Given Rights that the Gov't is to ensured are not infringed upon. All other nations have rights that are given to them by the Gov't, except America, our Rights are God Given and the Constitution specifies that they are not to be trampled upon. I love that America leads the world in Business and Technology, we have the freedom to be what we can make of ourselves. America has lead the world in inventions, business models and entrepreneurialship. The automobile was just a rich man's toy before Henry Ford got a hold of it, an actual airplane was a dream until the Wright Brothers built one, then we have the semiconductor, the computer chip, lasers, medicines, and who has been the only nation to land several men on the moon?

I am voting for Republicans because I am afraid of what the Donks will do to our country if they regain power in Congress. They have already said that we can expect higher taxes, the impeachment of President Bush and Vice-President Cheney, they will increase entitlement programs that are just money pits and handouts, they we defund the War on Terrorism, thus allowing the terrorist to think we are weak and step up they attempts to attack us again. They will leak security reports even more than they do curently, they plan on defunding our intelligence communities thus making it harder to prevent attacks on America. The Donks are dangerous, their ideas will harm America, and I can't in good conscienceness allow that to happen.

The base is waking up these facts, the outing of Foley, the screams of corruption, are meant to demoralize the base, but the base now realizes that the Donks in power will not just "teach the Republicans a lesson", it will endanger our country.

What ever you do, please vote this coming election, and if you love America, vote Republican, not because they all deserve it, but because the alternative is worse than you can imagine.

Mr Minority