Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I Just Don't Feel Like Ranting

I read the top news stories today and even some minor ones, and you know what? They don't spark me into ranting about them.

Let's see:
- Michael J Fox sells out to the Donks.
He uses his illness and celebrity status to campaign for a Donk running for the Senate. Bloggers have already talked about it and I have nothing to add.

- Rosie O'Donald is still a Leftie Shrill and has taken the View to new lows. Nothing new there either.

- CAIR says that Muslim in America support the Democrats.
Wow, color me surprised!

- The MSM keep glorify Donk candidates.
Yaaaawn, nothing new.

- The Donks keep trying to tell the public that the economy is in the tank, despite the Dow has past it's record high 3 days in a row, despite the deficiet is a lot lower than expected, despite gas prices are down and despite a very low unemployment rate.
They LIE, and I expect that.

Yep, things are normal, LIES, Shrills, the MSM, and celebrities whoring for Donks, that is why I don't feel like ranting, because I must have become accustomed to the crap I see in the news. I don't like it, but the only way to get rid of it is by keeping the Republicans in power in Congress, then maybe they will be so demoralized that they will give us some peace and quite for a while.

Mr Minority