Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Dichotomy of Ideas

What course America should take in Iraq highlights the difference in thinking the on part of the Democrats and Republicans. The President wants to stay until the job is done, Iraq can safely maintain civil order with it's own troops and police. The Democrats are not thinking this way, they want a concrete timetable in which our troops will withdraw to Okinawa, and to hell with Iraq. With the election just little over a week away, we have some great quotes by the Donks on there "plan" for Iraq.

First we have Screamie Deanie, who holds no political office, but sounds as if he owns the Senate and the House:
Even if Democrats win control of Congress in elections next week, an immediate change of course in Iraq policy is unlikely, the party's chairman said Sunday.

Countering Republican campaign charges that Democrats would "cut and run" from Iraq, chairman Howard Dean said the party did not believe there should be a sudden pullout of all U.S. troops.

"The president will still be in charge of foreign policy and the military . . . I don't imagine we're going to be able to force the president to reverse his course," he told the CBS "Face the Nation" program.

"But we will put some pressure on him to have some benchmarks, some timetables and a real plan other than stay the course," he added.

"The president will still be in charge of foreign policy and the military..."
Wow, that is pretty damn nice of Howie to allow the President to continue to do his job, as specified by the Constitution, damn nice of him! Maybe he is finally realizing that he and his Donks can't do a damn thing about our plan for Iraq, other that try and cut the funding and leave our troops stranded. And we need to pin him down on what his definition of "sudden pullout" is. That could mean the day after tomorrow or the day after that.

And it is also nice of Howie, who as I have said, does not hold an office in Congress, to throw the Iraqis a bone:
"We will need to leave a force of special-operations folks in the Middle East, not in Iraq but on the periphery of Iraq, so we can deal with terrorism in a timely manner.

But for me, the quote of the day comes for Abscam John Muthra:
I think there is more terrorism throughout the world, and all of the polls indicate this," Murtha said on the Fox program. "The Iraqis believe this, the people in the periphery of Iraq believe that and the American public believes the same thing."

We are now assessing terrorist activities by public opinion polls, and what the American public thinks. The intelligence communities of the world don't count, we must believe the polls. Muthra is dangerous, just like his comrades in peace, the rest of the Donks, they have no concept of what is being accomplished in Iraq or what the state of Islamic terrorism is, and they want to control this country?

The Donks keep saying that Iraq is just like Vietnam, well if they get their way it will be. We will pull out and leave another country undefended against those that want to overthrow it, and watch as millions get slaughtered in the aftermath. The Donks are not only ignorant, they are very dangerous.

Mr Minority