Friday, October 27, 2006

A Come From Behind Win!

Thank you Supreme Court of New Jersey, thank you gay outers, and thank you James Webb, y'all have helped energize the conservative base.

All summer long we were being bombarded with how well the Donks were doing in the polls, and that they were going to overtake Congress, so the conservative base was demoralized. Then we had the outing of Mark Foley. It may have turned off some social cons, but it pissed off the rest. And as the Donk operatives continued in the unproven outings, the base was even more pissed.

Then this week, we had the SCNJ hand down a ruling that would legitimize gay marriages in NJ. Now thing are cooking, the social cons forgot about Mark Foley and are driven again.

Then to top things off, George Allen, who has been having to fend off childish attacks by his opponent James Webb for the last 2 months, came out swinging last night and hit one out of the park by revealing passages from Webb's books. If that doesn't sink Webb, then he is unsinkable.

The Republican steam is picking up going into the last week before the elections and the race should be close. But as I see the conservative base getting more charged up, I think the Donks bit off more than they can chew.

Mr Minority