Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ya Better "Back Off" From The Rummeister, Because He Ain't Gonna Take Your Crap!

One of the reasons I like Donald Rumsfeld is his outspokenness, and his straight talk. And he gave the Cut'n'Runners an ear full of that today, telling them to "Back Off!"
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday that critics should "just back off" on demands for deadlines in Iraq and that it is difficult to predict when Iraqis will resume control of their country.

But he said the timelines have no specific deadlines, or consequences if goals are not met by specific dates.

"You're looking for some sort of a guillotine to come falling down if some date isn't met. That is not what this is about," Rumsfeld told reporters.

"They've been discussing the way forward through the rest of this year and next year," Rumsfeld said of discussions between U.S. and Iraqi officials. "As they do that, they then discuss, 'Well, when might something happen?' And it isn't a date. And it isn't a penalty if it doesn't" happen.

The Cut'n'Runners want a deadline, a specific date in which America will have all it's troops withdrawn, and that is a just ludicrous expectation. And basically Rummy tells them that. People that ask for and require a date for the withdrawal really don't understand the situation in Iraq or aren't trying not to understand, thus they are narrow minded in their pushing for a date.

Here I will make it real easy for you Cut'n'Run morons to understand (and it has been said before by President Bush and others) - "We will leave when the situation is stable enough for us to leave." There that wasn't so hard to grasp was it. If it was, then you are hopelessly stupid.

Mr Minority