Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Donks and Iraq

To the Donks it is all about Iraq, Iraq, the economy, Iraq, and of course Iraq. And their problem is they get get it wrong when it comes to Iraq. Jim Webb came out and spouted the typical Donks talking points about Iraq - Bush has it all wrong.
The only remedy to a series of Iraq policy failures by President Bush is a Democratic takeover of Congress in the Nov. 7 election, Virginia Senate candidate Jim Webb said Saturday.

The former Republican, who was President Reagan's Navy secretary, said in the Democrats' weekly radio address that Bush's "incompetence" in Iraq had undercut the fight against terrorism.

The Donks love to say that the War in Iraq "undercuts" the War on Terrorism, but if you notice they never say HOW it undercuts the WoT.
"Since 2003, President Bush has laid out nine different plans for victory in Iraq, none of them serious and none of them workable. And most seriously, this incompetence has hindered our ability to fight international terror," Webb said.

President Bush's "nine different plans for victory" are what is called flexibility, which is something you need in a dynamic situation. Not inflexibility as the Cut'n'Run policy is.
"A Democratic Congress will demand from day one that the president find a real way forward in Iraq. We'll work with the administration and other Republicans to develop a concrete plan, but none of us are ready to settle for empty rhetoric, or the same old unacceptable results," Webb said.

Campaign rhetoric for Cut'n'Run, which is not a safe solution, but a solution that endangers America.

Maybe the Donks ought to adopt Jim Webb's policy - turn Iraq over and stick it's penis in their mouth.

Mr Minority