Friday, October 27, 2006

Where HAVE You Been, You Dumb EU Wanker!

Some of the crap that comes out of the EU is as bad as what comes out of the UN. I think that they must go to the same Stupid school. Case in point, today the EU's foreign policy chief said that Hamas doesn't want to destroy Israel.
Hamas wants to "liberate the Palestinians," not to destroy Israel, Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday.

In an interview following his talks in Tel Aviv with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Solana insisted that it was "not impossible" for Hamas to change and "recognize the existence of Israel." History had shown that people and nations "adapt to reality," he said. "I don't want to lose hope."

Are you just plain ignorant? Or is it because you are so Pro-Palewhinian that you purposely ignore the statements that Hamas has made in the past?!?!

How about their charter?

Or these posters

Or this statement

Or these

This dishonest Supremo Wankero is purposely lying, because the EU wants to continue to funnel money to the palewhinians and to accomplish this goal they have to state that Hamas is not a terrorist organization.

You know, they deserve to be taken over by Muslims, because they kiss their ass every chance they get. And by the time they open their eyes and see the light, it will be too late.

Here is a tip for you Mr. EU Foreign Minister, pick out your burqua now before there is a rush on them.

Mr Minority