Saturday, October 14, 2006

Screw 'Em!

I am tired of the world (with the exception of a few) berating America for this and that. And I say Screw Them!

I just read an article in which former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said that America is suffering from "victors" complex and that we have made things in the world worse. I say Screw Him.

Europe berates us, the Middle East berates us, China, Muslims, hell damn near everybody except Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Poland, Taiwan and Israel snipes at America.

So it's times to become isolationists, pull out of the UN, to hell with the EU, Screw Russia, Screw Muslims (we don't need them, their oil or their barbaric religion) and forget it everybody if you think that you can receive free money from us anymore. If we were to stop all foreign aid money (including dollars to the UN), we can actually help our own instead ungrateful bastards that love to bite the hand that feeds them. We will maintain trade, honor our current commitments, but it's "Kiss My Ass" time after that. Put up a big hunkin' fence across our border with Mexico, because we don't need them either. Cast off the leaches and pump up efforts to improve relations and trade with those countries that actually want a good relationship with America. I am tired of helping some country get back on their feet just to have them stab us in the back when it's turned.

So the world turns into a shithole without us keeping the peace and bailing them out, Who Cares?!?! So a bunch of barbaric wankers lay waste to Europe, Who Cares?!?!

We will honor our treaties with our friends and everyone else can bite the big one. And if any pus-nugget tries to pull something funny with our friends, then they will glow in the dark, because we don’t care if their third world sewer pit is radioactive, you didn’t like us anyway.

I am tired of the ingrates of the world, Screw 'Em!!!

Mr Minority