Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sing Along With Me: "These are 3 of My Favorite Things..." - Ted the Swimmer, the MSM and the Looney Left

You would think that there is a full moon for the whole month of October by the listening to the Lunatic Left, their PR machine the MSM and the Donk's favorite drunken Senator from Mass. Ted "Haha, I Can Swim and You Can't" Kennedy.

Let's start with the Swilling Swimmer Teddy:
(CNSNews.com) - If Senate Democrats pick up six seats on Nov. 7, "George Bush will finally have to answer for misleading us into the war in Iraq and for grossly exceeding his constitutional power," said Sen. Ted Kennedy. In a fund-raising message sent on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Kennedy writes that Democratic Senate candidates "have all the momentum right now," but still need money - around $850,000 to meet an Oct. 20 goal of $2.6 million. "Please help us take our country back from George Bush's failed leadership, narrow ideology, and his backers on the far right. America can't afford two more years of his incompetent leadership on Iraq," Kennedy says. He did not use the word impeachment, although other Democrats have. Kennedy does mention that Democrats "will stand up to George Bush and his disastrous foreign policy," something they are doing right now.

So Teddy wants to impeach President Bush for non-existent crimes, while ignoring the fact of his crime in which he was so casually aloud to skate free of? Two things surprize me about this statement by Teddy, 1)That he was sober enough to complete a full sentence and 2) That he forgot to say that Bush=Hitler.

Now for the Donk Lackeys, the MSM. The economy has be good for years, reasonable growth, low unemployment, and a reduced deficit, but according the MSM, everything is gloom and doom:
(CNSNews.com) - Network news stories have painted a bleak picture of an economy in decline in an effort to keep President Bush's approval numbers low, according to a study released Monday by a group dedicated to challenging misconceptions in the media about free enterprise.

Reporters on ABC, CBS and NBC "treated gas prices as a metaphor for the economy -- only when they were high," said Dan Gainor, director of the BMI, which is a division of the Media Research Center, the parent organization of Cybercast News Service.

"Unemployment is a low 4.7 percent. Gas prices have declined once again -- more than 75 cents from their recent highs," Gainor stated. "And though the economy actually grew just 2.6 percent in the second quarter of 2006, that followed the rapid expansion of the first quarter -- revised upward to 5.6 percent."

Nevertheless, "polls have repeatedly shown a public that is dissatisfied with the economy under President Bush," he said.

The BMI study resulted in several significant findings, including:

-- Reports negatively charged: More than twice as many stories and briefs focused on negative aspects of the economy (62 percent), compared to good news (31 percent). News broadcasts dwelled on one prospective cataclysm after another, yet each time, the economy continued unfazed.

-- Negative stories given more air time: Bad news was emphasized on all three networks. Negative news appeared in full-length stories twice as often as it appeared in shorter, brief items. Good news was relegated to briefs. More good news appeared in brief form than as full-length stories.

-- Man-on-the-street interviews spin stories: Reporters used ordinary people to underscore negative stories by roughly a 3-to-1 ratio over positive. Since these are interviews chosen entirely by the reporter, this shows particular bias. NBC was especially bad at this, featuring negative accounts six times as often as positive ones.

-- Worst network: More than 80 percent of the full-length stories on the "CBS Evening News" delivered a negative view of the economy -- easily the worst of the three broadcast news programs. The network hid the good news of jobs or economic growth in short items. More than 56 percent of CBS's brief stories were positive.

Just reporting the news, flew out the window decades ago, distorting the facts to fit their viewpoint is what "news" organizations are all about. Fact: The economy has been great (concidering the impact of 9/11) under President Bush. MSM: It sucks! And these news networks expect us to believe and trust them? Not even as far as I can throw fat-ass Katie!

And finally, my favorites, the Looney Left and their conspiracy theories. To represent the Loony Left we have a nutroots "Progressive" blogger at the "Crisis Papers" already claiming that the Mid-term elections are rigged:
The Bush administration can not allow the Democrats to take control of either house of Congress. And they are in a position to prevent it, regardless of the will of the American voters.

These are the two controlling facts that make all other conditions of the coming election trivial in comparison, or even irrelevant. The failure of the media and even the Democratic Party to acknowledge and deal with these facts in no way diminishes their significance. Quite the contrary.

And why can’t the Busheviks allow the loss of even one house of Congress to the Democrats? Such a loss might, of course, result in the halting and even some reversal of the Bush/GOP agenda. But that is the least of their concerns. Far more important would be the reestablishment of Congressional oversight -- of investigations, with the penalties of perjury and contempt of Congress, into vast array of crimes committed by the Bush administration. Among these crimes are bribery, the disappearance of billions of dollars in Iraq, war crimes, the disregard of acts of Congress, lying to Congress, and fraudulent elections. In a new, Democratic, House of Representatives, the incorruptible Henry Waxman, as the new Chair of the Government Affairs Committee, would doggedly examine and expose the corruption of the Bush Administration, and John Conyers, the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, would, at long last, energetically investigate the issue of stolen elections. Accordingly, Bush and his partners in crime face far more than a curtailment of power; they face possible indictment, prosecution, and prison sentences for their crimes.

How, then, might the Busheviks avoid accountability for their crimes by remaining in control of the Congress? The same way that they seized control of the White House in 2000, and maintained control of Congress and the White House in 2004, namely by rigging these elections through their surrogates in “the election industry.”

That is enough of his tripe to quote, and to be honest with you, I didn't read the whole thing, because I just ate lunch. Ernie represents the typical Leftie Moonbat that blames everything that is bad that happen to him on President Bush, whether it be diaper rash when he was young or the possiblity of the Donks not regaining control in the House or Senate. I have no simpathy for loons like Ernie, because these people suffer from a self-inflicted mental disease and refuse treatment or to actually make a attempt to grasp reality.

If the Left wasn't so dangerous to our country and culture, I would just laugh and shake my head at their antics, but when they actually are given credence, then I worry that they may have an influence on the general public's perceptions.

I would like to end this post with a prayer:
"Dear God, please protect this great nation from people like Teddy the Swimmer, the Liberal MSM and Ernie the Loon and empower people like Karl Rove to come up with an election winning October Surprize. And dear God, we know you control all things, so please remember that the Diebold machines are suppose to register the "R" vote only.
Thank You, and Amen"

Mr Minority