Sunday, October 15, 2006

All Right, Listen Up Conservative Voters!

All week I linked Thomas Sowell's "Frivolous politics" Parts 1-4 columns in my Opinions of the Day postings. If you haven't read them, I encourage you to do so now:

Frivolous politics

Frivolous politics: Part II

Frivolous politics: Part III

Frivolous politics: Part IV

Thomas, or Tom as he tells me to call him (ok, that was a lie), makes the case which all conservative voters have been thinking about concerning the upcoming election. And that is: the Republicans have pissed us off by being wussies and not holding to our conservative ideals, but the alternative is a hell of lot worse. Am I upset about the spending the Republican Congress has racked up? Yes, but it could be worse with Pelosi in charge. Am I upset with the lack of a good immigration bill being passed? Yes, but with the Donks in power, there would be unfettered and ramped illegal immigration and the legitamizing of Illegal immigrants. Am I pissed that the Republicans haven't pulled the Nuclear Option in the Senate to stop the Donk's obstructionism of President Bush's nominees? Hell, yes, but if the Donks control the Senate, the nominees wouldn't even make it out of committee ans slandered on C-Span. The situation is grim for conservatives, we dislike several stands that our elected officials have taken on the important issues, but the alternative is actually scarier. I liken it to having the choice of having someone slice your finger with a dull knife or cutting off your whole hand with a rock. Neither is acceptable, but between the two, we would have to take the slice on the finger. We must vote for the lesser of two evils, that is the only choice to make.

And the last option of not voting at all, is really not an option, it is a cop out, because it allows the tormentor to make the choice for you, and guess what? If the tormentor ends up being the Donks, it is your hand coming off via repeated hammering with a rock.

This election is too important to sit on the side lines and allow the Donks to win control of Congress, because even though we dislike the Republican controlled Congress, we should be repulsed by the idea of a Donk controlled Congress that would raise our taxes, enable terrorism, impeach President Bush for unwarrented crimes and ruin our growing economy.

So encourage your friends to vote, and to vote to save what little we have gained, and to definitely not sit it out.

Mr Minority