Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thank God 2008 is Nearly at an End

Considering all the crap that happened this year, I am glad to see it over. 2008 was not a good year for America in general and especially conservatives.

- We saw the election of an inexperienced Chicago Liberal to the Presidency.

- We saw the majority of the American public duped by this same inexperienced Chicago Liberal's empty rhetoric of "Hope" and "Change"

- We saw the Liberal MSM come out of the closet, abandon all journalistic standards and integrity and drink the kool-aide and worship at the feet of the Obamessiah.

- We saw, and are still experiencing, an economic crisis caused by the liberal policies of Congress.

- We saw the worst Congress ever (based on their single digit approval rating) lead by the Donks, do nothing, and still get elected with an increase in their majority.

- We saw the Republican Party vote for and endorsed a man that had no chance of winning the election.

The only good things that I can think of that happened this year are:

- America was introduced to Sarah Palin, the future of the Republican Party.

- And Michael Phelps kicked ass and broke Mark Spitz's Gold Medal record.

Unfortunately I don't foresee much good happening next year, but I will take a "wait and see" attitude.

Mr Minority

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Opinions of the Day - 12/31

"Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes." - Voltaire

Ken Blackwell - Bush's Big Government Gambit

Thomas Sowell - The Art of the Impossible

And Michael Medved - Think 2008 Was A Bad Year? Reconsider '68 For A Sense Of Perspective

Mr Minority


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Local Leftards Protest for Terrorists!

As I was watching the local news here in the Austin, TX area, they had a story on a bunch of morons protesting against Israel and it's self defensive attacks in the Gaza strip.

What bothered me the most was not that they were pro-palewhinians, but that they condemning Israel for trying to stop the Hamas leadership from continuing its rocket attacks against innocent women and children.

No one with a "Stop the Bombing" sign said anything about Hamas breaking the truce, about their hundreds of rocket attacks aimed at killing civilians, no they were concerned about Israel defending itself in trying to decapitate the Hamas leadership. Even Egypt and other Arab leaders have denounced Hamas for breaking their truce and the rocket attacks, but these Austin Leftards will not acknowledge this facts as they are too busy being Jew Haters.

Screw these palewhinian butt lickers and their moronic idea of justice, Israel needs to do what has to to defend itself, regardless of what these morons, the UN or the press thinks.

Mr Minority

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Opinions of the Day - 12/30

"Israel has created a new image of the Jew in the world - the image of a working and an intellectual people, of a people that can fight with heroism." - David Ben-Gurion

Matt Towery - Next Version of Republican Party Can't Be Timid

Phyllis Schlafly - Public Schools Change Young Evangelicals' Values

And David Limbaugh - Biden's Bogus Feud with Cheney

Mr Minority


Monday, December 29, 2008

One Liberal Says What Most Liberals Feel - "I Don't Love America"

Liberals always confess their love of America as if it was something they have to say, but don't believe. And now we have Joel Stein, Liberal columnist, saying this exact thing:
I don't love America. That's what conservatives are always telling liberals like me. Their love, they insist, is truer, deeper and more complete. Then liberals, like all people who are accused of not loving something, stammer, get defensive and try to have sex with America even though America will then accuse us of wanting it for its body and not its soul. When America gets like that, there's no winning.

But I've come to believe conservatives are right. They do love America more. Sure, we liberals claim that our love is deeper because we seek to improve the United States by pointing out its flaws. But calling your wife fat isn't love. True love is the blind belief that your child is the smartest, cutest, most charming person in the world, one you would gladly die for. I'm more in "like" with my country.


Conservatives feel personally blessed to have been born in the only country worth living in. I, on the other hand, just feel lucky to have grown up in a wealthy democracy. If it had been Australia, Britain, Ireland, Canada, Italy, Spain, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, Israel or one of those Scandinavian countries with more relaxed attitudes toward sex, that would have been fine with me too.


But there are plenty of things I don't like about America: our foreign policy, our religious fundamentalism, our provincialism, our intellectual laziness, our acceptance of sweat suits in public.

There are plenty of things that are happening in America that I don't like, but that doesn't mean I am willing to give up on America and not love her still. This is still the greatest nation on the earth, no matter what Stein believes. And it is not the wealth of America that makes it great, it is its people, its ideals and its love for liberty and freedom that makes America stand heads above all others.

Liberals like Stein don't like America because of its flaws, as where we conservatives LOVE America besides its flaws.

That is why Liberals should not govern, because they are always looking to the Gov't to "fix" things that they believe are broken, and believe that the Constitution is a "living" document to be consulted every once in a while. As where conservatives, love America and want to just get it back on track without stepping on the liberties of its people.

America, Love It or Leave It!

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/29

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Thomas Jefferson

Star Parker - The awkward co-dependence of blacks and liberal Democrats

George Will - American Czars

And Doug Powers - Abe and Mary Todd Obama

Mr Minority


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thoughts for This Christmas Eve

This Christmas Eve as we race around getting last minute gifts, preparing tonight and tomorrow let us sit back and enjoy it all.

Christmas is a special holiday, not just for Christians, but for everyone. It is about family and friends, it is about giving and receiving, but most of all it is about sharing a closeness with those we love.

So enjoy it, suck it all in, even if you have to brave the mall or grocery store. Enjoy the sites and sound of little ones scurrying around in excitement and anticipation of tomorrow. Enjoy the Christmas plays, the Christmas music and lights.

Smile and enjoy it all, because this is what life is about, sharing with others.

Merry Christmas to All!!!

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/24 Christmas Eve

"Christmas! The very word brings joy to our hearts. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given--when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes." - Joan Winmill Brown

Michael Medved - Defending Christmas - From Left and Right

Ken Connor - The True Spirit of Giving

Mr Minority


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

sHillary is Already Starting Being Pushy

sHillary hasn't even been confirmed yet as Sec of State and she is wanting more power:
Even before taking office, Hillary Rodham Clinton is seeking to build a more powerful State Department, with a bigger budget, high-profile special envoys to trouble spots and an expanded role in dealing with global economic issues at a time of crisis.

sHillary was a pushy bitch when she was First Lady, and now that she may be Sec of State, she is being a pushy assertive bitch.

It is not the role of Sec of State to deal with global economic issues, that is the Treasury Sec's job. So why does sHillary think she usurp that job function?

The reason is simple, because she is a PUSHY BITCH!

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/23

"Christmas - that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance - a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved." - Augusta E. Rundel

David Limbaugh - Beware Obama's Middle Class Task Force

Thomas Sowell - Another Great Depression?

And Mona Charen - Hanukkah Lights

Mr Minority


Monday, December 22, 2008

The Mighty Dick Cheney Pimp Slaps Bumbling Joe Biden

Dick Cheney takes no crap, especially from the moron Joe Biden:
Vice President Cheney mocked Vice President-elect Joe Biden's grasp of the Constitution, defended former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and said President Bush "doesn't have to check with anybody" before launching a nuclear attack.

In a blunt, unapologetic interview on "FOX News Sunday," Cheney fired back at Biden for declaring in October that "Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history."

"He also said that all the powers and responsibilities of the executive branch are laid out in Article I of the Constitution," Cheney said in a interview that was conducted on Friday. "Well, they're not. Article I of the Constitution is the one on the legislative branch."

Not knowing where in the Constitution or what the Constitution says what powers the Vice President has is inexcusable, and the Mighty Dick let Bumbling Joe know it.

The headline of the article said that Cheney "Mocks" Biden, I would call it more like "Schooling a Moron" than mocking.

Lord protect us from the morons about to take over the Executive Branch of our Gov't.

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/22

"Until one feels the spirit of it, there is no Christmas. All else is outward display, so much tinsel and decorations. For it isn't the holly, the snow, the tree, not the firelight's glow. It's the warmth that comes to the hearts of men when it returns again." - Anonymous

Star Parker - This Christmas, let's remember who we are

Matt Barber - The gods of liberalism

Chuck Norris - Jacking Jesus

And Doug Powers - Big tent, big mistake

Mr Minority


Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Hanukkah!

"Chanukkah, Oh Chanukkah
Come light the menorah
Let's have a party
We'll all dance the hora
Gather round the table, we'll have a treat
Shiny tops to play with, latkes to eat.
And while we are playing
The candles are burning low
One for each night, they shed a sweet light
To remind us of days long ago."

"May the lights of Hanukkah usher in a better world for all humankind." - Anon.

Happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish friends!

Tomorrow starts the beginning of Hanukkah, the other major holiday this season. While we Christians celebrate the birth of Christ, let us not forget our Jewish cousins, God's chosen people, those that have needlessly suffered at the hands of all.

Anti-Semitism is on the rise across the whole, but it should never come from Christians that need to remember that Christ was a Jew and that Judaism is the roots of our religion.

So let us celebrate with our Jewish friends their holiday of Hanukkah.

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/19

"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." - Henry Ford

Charles Krauthammer - Princess Caroline Wants to Be Anointed

David Limbaugh - Recapturing Supply-Side Coherence

And Michelle Malkin - No Mercy for Jihad Johnny

Mr Minority


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Israel vs the US

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann have a great column today stating that Israel and America are on a collision course over what Israel should do with their land to make peace with the palewhinians.
With the election of Obama, the United States has moved dramatically to the left in its foreign policy at just the time that Israel, which seems likely to return Bibi Netanyahu to office in early February, is moving to the right. A collision is almost inevitable.

Caroline Glick, the highly astute conservative columnist for the Jerusalem Post, writes that the "international community" believes that Obama "will move quickly to place massive pressure on the next Israeli government to withdraw from Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights in the interests of advancing a 'peace process' with the Palestinians and the Syrians."

She notes that "people who have been in close contact with Obama's foreign policy transition team have privately acknowledged that the widespread belief that Obama will move swiftly to put the screws on Israel is fully justified. According to one source who has spent a great deal of time with the transition team since last month's U.S. elections, Obama's people are 'scope-locked' on Israel."

The moronic US policy that Israel should trade blood fought land for peace with the Jew hating palewhinians is ludicrous!

That same policy has failed time after time, so why should it work this time?

It won't!!

It is hard to make "peace" with people that want to wipe you out, kill your women and children and push you into the Med. It can't happen, thus why should Obama expect it?

Maybe because his Jew hating palewhinian loving advisers are pushing for it.

I am praying that Bibi Netanyahu is elected as PM and tells Obama to shove his idea up his ass!

Mr Minority

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Opinions of the Day - 12/18

"Modern man drives a mortgaged car over a bond-financed highway on credit-card gas." - Earl Wilson

Steve Chapman - Caroline and the Lure of Royalty

Michael Reagan - If I Were President

And Armstrong Williams - The Blessings of a Simple Christmas Season

Mr Minority


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

When the Economy is Heading Down, Money is Tight and People are Losing Jobs - The Donks Want to TAX More!

The Donks say they are for the People, that they are the "compassionate" party, then why do they want to kick the people when they are down like the Gov. of NY is doing?
Gov. Paterson's proposed $121 billion budget hits New Yorkers in their iPods - and nickels-and-dimes them in lots of other places, too.

Trying to close a $15.4 billion budget gap, Paterson called for 88 new fees and a host of other taxes, including an "iPod tax" that taxes the sale of downloaded music and other "digitally delivered entertainment services."

"We're going to have to take some extreme measures," Paterson said Tuesday after unveiling the slash-and-burn budget.

The proposal, which needs legislative approval, did not include broad-based income tax increases, but relied on smaller ones to raise $4.1 billion from cash-strapped New Yorkers.

Movie tickets, taxi rides, soda, beer, wine, cigars and massages would be taxed under Paterson's proposal. It also extends sales taxes to cable and satellite TV services and removes the tax exemption for clothes costing less than $110.

Thank God my state is ran by a Republican Governor and reps, because they know to cut spending rather than raise taxes. And they know not to put wasteful spending in the budget in the first place.

The Donks never have problems spending other people's money.

Mr Minority

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Opinions of the Day - 12/17

"Political language. . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." - George Orwell

Michelle Malkin - The Real Housewives of Crook County

Walter E. Williams - Counterfeiting Versus Monetary Policy

And Michael Medved - Christmas Symbols Deserve More Respect Than Atheist Insults

Mr Minority


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Illinois Donks Continue in Their Goal of Being the Most Corrupt

With Illinois Gov. Blagojevich (DEMOCRAT) being hammered for trying to sell Obama's Senate seat, you would think that Illinois Donks would try and distance themselves and their Party from appearing corrupt also. Not so:
Democrats in the Illinois House of Representatives postponed stripping Governor Rod Blagojevich’s power to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama that prosecutors say Blagojevich tried to sell.

The governor, a Chicago Democrat, retains authority to appoint Obama’s successor while the House pursues an impeachment process that may last weeks. Democratic lawmakers led by House Speaker Michael Madigan dropped plans late yesterday to schedule a special election to fill the post after failing to agree in a closed-door meeting, said Steve Brown, a Madigan aide.

By allowing Blago to appoint a replacement Senator to fill the seat he tried to sell, does nothing but show the rest of America that Illinois Donks are just as morally and politically corrupt as their Governor.

Lying, Cheating, Stealing and Corruption, these are the moral codes of the Democrat Party.

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/16

"This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer. - Will Rogers

Dennis Prager - Minorities Should Express Shame, Not Only Pride

John Boehner - Autoworkers and Taxpayers Deserve Better than Washington's Flawed Bailout

And Chuck Norris - Atheists' National Holiday?

Mr Minority


Monday, December 15, 2008

Israel is Smarter than the US

The US has it's critics and spewers of hatred against it, and we let these morons into our country, Israel is smarter than that. Some American academia asshole accuses Israel of war crimes then wants to enter their country. They aren't having any of that crap.
( – Israel on Sunday blocked entry to a U.S. scholar and outspoken critic of Israeli policies who in his new capacity of special United Nations investigator last week accused Israel of “war crimes.”

An Israeli foreign ministry spokesman on Monday confirmed the incident, saying Prof. Richard Falk had tried to enter the country without an invitation and had therefore been denied entry.

I say Hooray for Israel, why should they let some anti-Semitic asshole into their country just so he can stir up trouble and spread lies and hate? I say they don't have to and wished that the US had the balls to do the same thing.

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/15

"I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances." - Martha Washington

Star Parker - Republicans need to get back to business

Michael Barone - Chicago Politics Stains Obama

And Doug Powers - Free Bernard Madoff!

Mr Minority


Friday, December 12, 2008

Again Which Political Party Wants the Draft?

We have done well with an all volunteer military, but there seems to be always one party that wants to bring back the draft. And it ain't the one that gets blamed for it.
Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) said Wednesday that he opposes the all-volunteer army and that a military draft, based on a lottery with no deferments, is necessary during wartime.

“I voted against the all-volunteer army because I didn’t think we could sustain a deployment in wartime without a draft,” Murtha said in a speech at the liberal Center for American Progress on Wednesday. “But we’ve had to lessen our requirements for the people going in and 82 percent now have diplomas.”

Yep, it the Donks, the same party that tried in 2004 to re-institute the draft, and now John "Redeploy to Okinawa" Muthra is pushing for it.

Ironic and with typical hypocrisy, the Donks are always scream that the Republicans are going to draft your sons, when actuality it is the chickenhawk Donks that are trying to force our youth into it.

We don't need a conscripted military, we are doing well enough with volunteers. Professional volunteer soldiers are more motivated than those that are drafted.

Just Say NO to the Donks!

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/12

"Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough." - Janwillem van de Wetering

Ann Coulter - Minnesota Ballots: Land of 10,000 Fakes

John Hawkins - Five Short Economics Lessons For the Age of Obama

And David Limbaugh - No More Bailouts

Mr Minority


Monday, December 08, 2008

Your Lack of Credibility Tends to Make Me Leary

The Obamessiah is telling gun owners not to worry, that he isn't going to do anything rash.
As gun sales shoot up around the country, President-elect Barack Obama said Sunday that gun-owning Americans do not need to rush out and stock up before he is sworn in next month.

"I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the second amendment," Obama said at a news conference. "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear. I said that throughout the campaign. I haven't indicated anything different during the transition. I think people can take me at my word."

But National Rifle Association spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said it's not Obama's words — but his legislative track record — that has gun-buyers flocking to the stores.

But it is Obama's words that bother me. He LIED about his association with William Ayers, he LIED about not knowing the hatred that Rev Wright spewed at his church, he LIED his obstruction of the live birth bill, and he LIED about his association with the man who caused the Fannie Mae meltdown.

So why should I believe him about not wanting to confiscate people's guns?

I don't.

Mr Minority

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Opinions of the Day - 12/8

"Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks." - Doug Larson

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann - Obama Tries the Parliamentary System

Guy Benson - Lessons from the Georgia Runoff

And Doug Powers - Served to death by 'public servants'

Mr Minority


Friday, December 05, 2008

City Gov't Wises Up

It used to be that the vast majority of Americans were civilized and acted that way, and the small criminal element acted like criminals. The purpose of the police was to enforce laws and catch the small proportion of criminals.

But that has changed, now we have a larger portion of the population growing up without morals and our police force can't handle the volume of violent crimes that happen on a daily basis.

So what is a law abiding citizen to do? Arm themselves to protect their families and property, and one large city leader understand this:
ST. LOUIS — A St. Louis city leader frustrated with the police response to rising crime called Tuesday on residents to arm themselves to protect their lives and property.

Alderman Charles Quincy Troupe said police are ineffective, outnumbered or don't care about the increase in crime in his north St. Louis ward. St. Louis has had 157 homicides in 2008, 33 more than last year at this time.

"The community has to be ready to defend itself, because it's clear the economy is going to get worse, and criminals are getting more bold," Troupe, 72, said Tuesday.

Troupe said that when he and residents approached a district police commander last year, they were told "there was nothing he could do to protect us and the community ... that he didn't have the manpower."

He is correct, the police can't protect us from the psychopaths that roam the streets, we will have to protect ourselves.

But the biggest hindrance to an armed public, are the bleeding heart liberals that want to take our guns away and force us to rely upon the ineffectual police. And with Obama and the Donks in control of the gov't, private gun ownership restrictions appear to be on the horizon leaving us vulnerable to this violent thugs.

No wonder gun purchases are up 50% since the election.

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/5

"There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes . . . and dead armadillos." - Jim Hightower

John Hawkins - Before We Carve Barack Obama's Face on Mt. Rushmore

Jonah Goldberg - The Foggy Crystal Ball

And Michelle Malkin - Truthers to the Left of Me, Truthers to the Right

Mr Minority


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Time to Expose Kwanzaa Again

It is the holiday season again. Where Christians celebrate Christmas and Jews celebrate Hanukkah.

And then there are those that celebrate Kwanzaa, some knowing the truth behind this fake holiday and some that don't.

This is for those that don't know the truth (it is a repost of one that I posted 2 years ago):

Remember as a kid in December you celebrated Christmas if you were a Christian and Hanukkah if you were Jewish, we had never heard of Kwanzaa. But now it is suppose to be a winter 'religious holiday' along with both. So what is the story behind Kwanzaa and is it to be taken seriously?

Kwanzaa was invented by Ron Karenga in 1966 "to give a Black alternative to the existing holiday and give Blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society." So It is a Blacks only holiday for Blacks to celebrate their 'history, and it is celebrated at the end of December.

But let's dig a little deeper into it's beginnings. It was created by Ron Karenga (born Ron Everett) who was a Black Panther that was kicked out of that violent racist club, and he then created the United Slaves Organization that was the Panther's rival and was worse than the Black Panthers. So Ronald baby, Kwanzaa's creator did not have a sterling past, in fact he was sent to prison for 'felonious assault and false imprisonment' for trying to torture two Black women. What a stand up guy, just the person to start a 'religious holiday'.

Ron created Kwanzaa not because he was an altruistic person, he created it because he was a racist and wanted his own 'holiday' alternative to Christmas.
"...Kwanzaa is not an imitation, but an alternative, in fact, and oppositional alternative to the spookism, mysticism and non-earth based practices which plague us as a people . . . " A great reason to start your own holiday, you can't have "spookism, mysticism and non-earth based practices" plaguing your "people', no siree, can't have that.

Kwanzaa is suppose to be based on Black American's African 'roots', and that is fake too, in fact it is an American creation with no link to traditional African celebrations. In effect, it is a racist based fake holiday with fake celebrations created to replace Christmas for Black Americans.

What bothers me most about Kwanzaa is that duped people and the Gov't (US Postal Kwanzaa stamps) are starting to give legitimacy to this racist 'holiday' without acknowledging it's background and purpose. It is not a 'holiday' which all people can celebrate, it is a holiday for Blacks to separate themselves from the rest of America.

So next time someone says "Happy Kwanzaa" just remember they are talking about a fake holiday created by a Marxist Racist Black criminal in the '60s to lead Blacks away from the 'white man's' Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/4

"A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyalty to that principle." - George William Curtis

Cal Thomas - What Happened to Optimism?

Larry Elder - 'Slumdog Millionaire'

And Ann Coulter - The Cleanest State Meets the Pushiest Person

Mr Minority


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A Weird Question to Ponder Upon

No, the question isn't about politics, the environment or any other thing I generally rant about. It is this:

Why do humans spend so much money and time being entertained by other humans, playing different humans?

As I was watching NCIS on my Sony Bravia 52" LCD TV in High Def, I all of a sudden ask myself that question. Then I thought about the money I have spent on my TV, Surround Sound system, Blu-Ray player and DVDs, and what others have spent and will spend, just to be entertained by other humans. Look at the different industries that are totally geared just for this, TVs, movies, theaters, plays, DVD and Video players, the list is long. And look at how much money is spent by consumers to pay to watch another person play a different person.

What in our human makeup that drives us to be this way?

And it isn't just in today's world, this goes back to the creation of man, with early civilizations paying people to act out stories, plays, and such.


I don't have any answer, but I think it peculiar that we are this way.

Strange. Or is it just me?

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/3

"When the political columnists say 'Every thinking man' they mean themselves, and when candidates appeal to 'Every intelligent voter' they mean everybody who is going to vote for them." - Franklin P. Adams

Michael Medved - Messages From Mumbai

Michelle Malkin - Say No to Newspaper Bailouts

And Walter E. Williams - Ignorance Reigns Supreme

Mr Minority


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Ted the Swimmer, or Should I Say Ted the Cheater to be Honored By Harvard

Ted "Let Her Drown" Kennedy is being "honored" by Harvard even though he was expelled for cheating.
Cambridge, Mass. (AP) - With Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) battling a malignant brain cancer, admirers are showering accolades on the liberal lion for his decades of work in the U.S. Senate.


The highest-profile event was to come Monday afternoon, with Harvard University set to bestow an honorary degree on the 76-year-old at a special convocation featuring remarks by Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and a performance by cellist Yo-Yo Ma.


In his sophomore year at Harvard, Kennedy was expelled for cheating. In danger of failing a Spanish class, Kennedy paid a friend to take an exam for him. The student was recognized – and both were expelled. After a stint in the Army, Kennedy returned to Harvard, where he eventually received a degree.

I am not surprised by this, Harvard has no moral standards and he is a Kennedy.

So what does this tell our youth?

That it is acceptable to let a woman drown in your car, it is acceptable to cheat, and if you have money and the right last name, you should have no worries in life.

Just what you would expect from liberals.

Mr Minority

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Opinions of the Day - 12/2

"The problem with political jokes is they get elected." - Henry Cate VII

Dennis Prager - The Rabbi and the Terrorists

Chuck Norris - The Most Overlooked News Story of 2008

And David Limbaugh - Obama a Centrist? Like I'm a Liberal

Mr Minority


Monday, December 01, 2008

The Chicken Littles are Proposing an Over the Top Kangaroo Court

The world's masses are not buying the Alarmist's "Global Warming" BS, not cratering their economies to to fight something that doesn't exist. So what will the Chicken Littles do? Why create a international court to prosecute those that don't bow down to altar of Global Warming!
A former chairman of the Bar Council is calling for an international court for the environment to punish states that fail to protect wildlife and prevent climate change.

Stephen Hockman QC is proposing a body similar to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to be the supreme legal authority on issues regarding the environment.

The first role of the new body would be to enforce international agreements on cutting greenhouse gas emissions set to be agreed next year.

But the court would also fine countries or companies that fail to protect endangered species or degrade the natural environment and enforce the "right to a healthy environment".

Did I miss something or was there a global treaty signed by all nations and multinational companies that gives these zealots the power to bring criminal charges on sovereign nations and corporations?

That is what I thought, nothing like that what so ever. So where do these eco-nazis get the idea that they have the power to do so?

I say that they have overdosed on too much Goracle Kool-aide and it has rotted their brains out, made them power hungry and made them think that they are the saviors of mankind.

'Eff 'Em!

Mr Minority


Opinions of the Day - 12/1

" Terrorists only win when you fear them." - Mr Minority

Dan Kennedy - Media Fail to Connect Dots on Bailout

Star Parker - Formula for GOP recovery: traditional values PLUS limited government

And Doug Powers - A gun is worth 1,000 pictures

Mr Minority
