Sunday, August 14, 2005

Coming to Christ

If you are a Christian then you remember when you first accepted Jesus in your life as your Lord and Savior. For some it was gradual, and for some (like myself) it was like Paul's conversion on the Road to Damascus. I am happy to say that Denita Two-Dragons, co-author of Who Tends the Fires (also my Blog-Mother) has taken that step and has found the wonderful peace of God's grace and mercy.

She has come to realize that Christianity is NOT about going to Church, putting money in the collection plate or even mouthing scripture, but REAL Christianity is accepting God's Grace, wanting a personal relationship with Jesus and knowing that God Loves you as you are and wants to help you become what He wants you to be.

The Humanists like to say that Christianity is a crutch, but they will never understand that it is the opposite. Accepting Jesus is healing the hurts, having someone always there for you, someone that will always listen to your worries and concerns and also be there to accept your praises when things go right.

I am happy for Denita, because she took a step that a lot of people are too concerned with themselves to consider, a step that a lot of people think is beneath them, and some actually loath to consider. These people that the ones missing out on the Love that passes all understanding and the chance for eternal salvation.

Congratulations Denita, on making the most important decision in your life and that will affect where you spend your eternal life.

Mr Minority