Happy Memorial Day - 2005
Today as we picnic with family and friends, as we enjoy being outside playing baseball, water skiing or Frisbee, let us not forget those that made it possible for us to enjoy these things. Let us not forget the ones that sacrificed their lives for America. Today we honor the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coasties that died during the many wars that we have fought against the evils of Nazism, Socialism and Tyranny. Those that fought and died and those that fought and lived, didn't do it for themselves, they did it for a higher purpose, Freedom! The Freedoms America enjoys are what instills in our young men and women the courage to sacrifice their lives so we all may live. It's the Freedoms of America that is the fertile ground in which Honor, Integrity and Selflessness grows in. Today we honor those deaths, but we also need to honor those that are continuing the fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places around the world, to stomp out the evil that wants to harm you and me in America. The Spirit of America still lives in our fighting men and women, and we honor them today on Memorial Day - 2005.

Mr Minority

Mr Minority