Monday, May 21, 2007

The Real Reason Carter Blasted President Bush

The Worst president in the Nation's history, Jimmah Carter, has been blasting away at President Bush with both barrels, calling him the worst president.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Former President Carter says President Bush's administration is "the worst in history" in international relations, taking aim at the White House's policy of pre-emptive war and its Middle East diplomacy.

The criticism from Carter, which a biographer says is unprecedented for the 39th president, also took aim at Bush's environmental policies and the administration's "quite disturbing" faith-based initiative funding.

"I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history," Carter told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in a story that appeared in the newspaper's Saturday editions. "The overt reversal of America's basic values as expressed by previous administrations, including those of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon and others, has been the most disturbing to me."

Carter came down hard on the Iraq war.

"We now have endorsed the concept of pre-emptive war where we go to war with another nation militarily, even though our own security is not directly threatened, if we want to change the regime there or if we fear that some time in the future our security might be endangered," he said. "But that's been a radical departure from all previous administration policies."

Carter's remarks are not unexpected, and the real reason Cater is calling President Bush the worst president in history is because he is tired of being the Worst President in History and is trying to push this mantle of shame off himself and onto President Bush.

Let's see what Jimmah's legacy is vs President Bush's:

- Double digit inflation for Jimmah, 2-3% for President Bush

- Interest Rates in the 20's for the peanut farmer, 5-10% for President Bush

- Carter let the Iranians take over the American Embassy and hold our people hostage for 444 days, vs Bush kicking some ass for the 9/11 attacks.

- Unemployment at 7.5% for Mr Liberal, as where unemployment is 4.4% under President Bush

- Oh and as for "Peace in the Middle East" that Carter was suppose to have brokered, worked great eh, Jimmah? No, the palewhinians aren't still trying to wipe out Israel, all you did was give those barbarians land in which to do it from.

Nope, I think that Jimmah will hold to the title of the "Worst President" for a long time to come, because President Bush can't even come close to being as a big of a coward and as incompetent as Jimmah.

Mr Minority
