Saturday, December 16, 2006

Muslims Trump First Amendment Rights - CAIR Silences a Blogger

As bloggers we live and breathe because of our Constitutional First Amendment Right of Free Speech, but we also worry that someone, someday, will take that Right away. Well that day has happened, and it happened to a blogger that I've known and read for years. His name is Vilmar and he was the author of Ranting Right Wing Howler and before that he was the co-host of the Barking Moonbat Early Warning System. BMEWS was one the first blogs I ever read, commented on and was the first blog to ever link my new fledgling blog back in 2004.

After leaving BMEWS, Vilmar started his own blog the Ranting Right Wing Howler, in which like many of us ranted on the crap we saw and read. Vilmar especially did not like Radical Islam and posted on their agenda, CAIR and the special treatment CAIR was pushing for in America. Was Vilmar over the top in his postings? In my opinion, he may have been (but that's just me), but it is also his Right, that is until CAIR got put a stop to it.

You can read the whole story here at BMEWS, and decide for yourself. And if you click on the link for Ranting Right Wing Howler you get the following message from Vilmar:
Well, folks, there was quite a brouhaha created over the suspension of my account.

Some people are all upset at Hostgator for shutting me down and have written them saying so and there are others who are in favor of them shutting me up.

Hostgator .... and I .........are stuck in the middle of this mess with them being inundated with thousands of emails for and against my blog.

Most of you will recall that back in November I posted about needing to take a break. What you don’t know is that the “break” was not working and that I truly am tired of this blogging thing.

I was going to drop the blog at the end of the year anyway and these events precipitated...and scheduled quitting.

I’m sorry if I disappoint some of you and you may think I’ve been “forced” into this decision by Hostgator. Well, there can be nothing further from the truth.

The owner of Hostgator was kind enough to call me tonight and we discussed it in detail. He wanted to get a better understanding for what had transpired and in the course of the conversation I told him I was planning to quit blogging anyway so this could end up being a win-win for everyone. I can see his point and like many commenters at other blogs have said, the TOS are his company’s to define and if they think I violated them, then my only recourse is to find someone else. I will not be choosing that option.

Thank you all so much for having participated over the past year or so. Especially my guest bloggers. It was fun. It was real. And for me, in the past couple of months it had not been “real fun.”

See you all around the blogosphere. I’ll still be reading and when the urge hits, maybe even comment.

One more thing, please don’t be too critical of Hostgator. They’ve been a great web hosting service and were extremely helpful whenever I had issues to be dealt with to include backups and upgrades.

Put yourselves in their shoes, OK?

I don't blame the hosting company, the blame lays solely on CAIR, that didn't like what they read and wanted to (and succeeded) in trampling Vilmar's First Amendment Right.

CAIR has links to Muslim terrorist organizations, their purpose, which they have stated, is to have Islam one day RULE America. And they can do this by shutting down those that voice opposition to their agenda, which right now appears to be bloggers.

So think about this: Today it's Vilmar, tomorrow it could be you or me.

Mr Minority

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