Oklahoma's Legislator Wants No Part of Terrorist's Religion
Generally we here in Texas give Oklahoma a hard time, all in jest. But today, I stand up, praise and applaud them for they have done what a lot of dhimi politicians should do, they sent back Korans that were given to them.
"Most Oklahomans do not endorse the idea of killing innocent women and children in the name of ideology"
What a ballsy and non-PC statement by Rep. Rex Duncan, the man is a hero for speaking out what a lot of people are thinking.
And for the typical retort by CAIR, "...Duncan's statement "disturbing" and "offensive" to Muslims." The idea that we must stifle our speech because someone is offended by it, goes against everything that the Founding Fathers fought for and I would reply with "does the truth hurt?"
Three Cheers for Rep. Rex Duncan, we need politicians like him!
Mr Minority
(CNSNews.com) - An Islamic Advocacy group on Friday plans to respond to "Islamophobic remarks" by state lawmakers in Oklahoma who rejected Korans sent to them as gifts by a state panel on diversity. "In rejecting the Qurans, Islam's revealed text, some lawmakers made stereotypical and offensive remarks that falsely linked the faith of Islam to violence," the Council on American Islamic Relations said. According to press reports, two dozen Oklahoma lawmakers plan to return copies of the Koran given to all 149 state legislators by the Governor's Ethnic American Advisory Council. The council is chaired by a Muslim woman. "Most Oklahomans do not endorse the idea of killing innocent women and children in the name of ideology," the Associated Press quoted Republican Rep. Rex Duncan as saying. CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper called Duncan's statement "disturbing" and "offensive" to Muslims. Oklahoma's Republican House Speaker Lance Cargill said he would accept the Koran -- and give the governor's advisory council a Bible in return. Groups of various faiths plan to appear at Friday's news conference, CAIR said.
"Most Oklahomans do not endorse the idea of killing innocent women and children in the name of ideology"
What a ballsy and non-PC statement by Rep. Rex Duncan, the man is a hero for speaking out what a lot of people are thinking.
And for the typical retort by CAIR, "...Duncan's statement "disturbing" and "offensive" to Muslims." The idea that we must stifle our speech because someone is offended by it, goes against everything that the Founding Fathers fought for and I would reply with "does the truth hurt?"
Three Cheers for Rep. Rex Duncan, we need politicians like him!
Mr Minority
Labels: Islamists