Monday, March 21, 2005

Dean Off and Running, In the Wrong Direction

Howie has picked up the ball for the Donks, put from what he said, he is running in the wrong direction.
The Toronto Star reports that Dean, in a message to supporters on Sunday, described Republicans as "brain dead," but said eventual Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts lost to President Bush because party leaders and representatives have a "tendency to explain every issue in half an hour of detail."

Dean, in Toronto to address 150 members of the group Democrats Abroad – formed in 1964 to register Americans living out of the country to vote as Democrats – warned, "I'm going to be very disciplined about how we deliver messages."

According to the Star, the one-time Vermont governor added: "We can have policy deliberations in rooms like this. On TV, we have to be very focused."

Republicans, meanwhile, have managed to hone their message expertly, Dean said, noting that his party needs to learn that skill. "The Democrats will have three things, maybe four, that we're going to talk about," he said, according to the paper.

"The Democratic Party will not win elections or build a lasting majority solely by changing its rhetoric, nor will we win by adopting the other side's positions," he said then. "We must say what we mean — and mean real change when we say it."

"The majority is on our side," he told the Toronto gathering. "We need to figure out how to talk differently about these issues."

Howie you may be onto something, picking 3 or 4 issues and explaining what you mean. Like these issues and explanations that the Donks present:

Abortion - For, killing babies and allowing teenage girls to have them, no questions asked.

Taxes - Tax the hell out of everybody and spend it all on worthless social programs.

Gun Control - For, take away everybody's guns, only cops should have guns.

The UN - For it, give away America's sovereignty to the UN, let them make all our foreign policy decisions.

Political Correctness - Limit everybody's Free Speech, so no one's feelings get hurt.

War on Terrorism - Against, we don't want to offend anyone, and that way no one will hurt us.

There are some key Donk issues and your stances for you, Howie. And lets see how many seats you can pick up in '06.

Mr Minority