Sunday, March 20, 2005

Doug Giles is Right!

Doug Giles is a Christian writer that has a way of finding the heart of the matter, whether it be current affairs or his latest articles being a believable Christian. He is running a series on "Robust Faith" in which he urges the Christian to be forward and influential in their faith.

Part I, lays out the need and requirement to get off our butts and do something with our faith.
Hey Christian, why don’t you go public with your faith? Why don’t you work what you supposedly believe into your sphere of influence, huh, PC JC man? Come on, Dinky … true faith is resilient. It can handle scrutiny. It has answers for tough questions. It has solutions for societal pollution. It wants to go play outside.

God designed Christianity to be a 4WD spiritual vehicle with mudders, a truck that brings life to the outback. It is not a sensitive Miata that must be preserved from going offroad and into the bush. Quit treating the truth claims of the scripture, the power of the Holy Spirit and the compassion of the Creator like they are some fragile little Fabergé eggs that must be coddled, kept in the sanctuary and never exposed to the mean world.

And Part II, urges us out into the world to help it come to Christ.
If the Christian truly follows the Christ of the Bible and wants to impact this planet positively, then he will spend significant and intentional time away from his church buddies and in the company of people who are fundamentally not of his stripe. Yes, if you follow the life of Jesus as lined out in the scripture, you’ll quickly see that the majority of his ministry went down outside of formal religious buildings filled with proper religious people.

Jesus’ faith was not afraid of the mean old nasty world. Y’know … I could be wrong, but I’m pretty certain about this: part of his whole reason for showing up 2000 years ago was to embrace, grace and change people whom most religious folks would spit on. Christ carried his work off road and away from the Lysol-disinfected “sacred” surroundings that all the religious indoor boys must have in order to subsist, and instead took his hearty convictions beyond the pavement and was … kinda … successful.

Imagine that! Jesus, minus funky religious hats, robes, wands, bumper stickers and a friendly environment, effectively revolutionized the planet via his robust out-of-the-orthodox-box faith. And guess what, Christian? You can too. It will not necessarily be that easy, but it is … necessary.

Read both articles, because Doug is Right!!

Mr Minority