Friday, May 04, 2007

There Isn't a Reagan Amoung Them

Last night's GOP debate did nothing for me, one of them, Ron Paul, is a joke, several of them don't have what it takes to be a President, McCain still pisses me off, Giuliani is too socially liberal for me, and none of them are Ronald Reagan, even though they think they are. Romney is the best of the bunch, but he too is no Ronnie.

No, the spirit of Ronald Reagan lives in the one person that hasn't announced his candidacy yet, that man is Fred Thompson. If you have read up on Fred, and if you have read his recent columns posted on Townhall and Redstate, then you will see that the spirit of Ronnie does live in Fred. His position on the War on Terrorism, limited Gov't, States Rights, the 2nd Amendment, Immigration, Gay Marriage, Abortion, Embryonic Stem Cell Research all are the positions that a Reagan Conservative would take.

I hope Fred hurries up and announces, because this country needs him.

Mr Minority
