Poll on American's Attitude Towards Muslims
A USA Today/Gallup poll taken late last month shows that Americans are very leary of Muslims.
Let's analysis the results:
All Muslims in the US are reaping the seeds that Muslim Terrorists have sown. Is it justified? Yes and No.
I do believe, as 49% of those polled, that Muslims are NOT loyal to America. I believe that their loyalty resides with their faith first. As for being sympathetic to al-Qaida, I don't believe that they all are, even though there may be a large minority that do, I believe the majority don't.
Yep, I agree with those two views.
There is NO friggin' way would I agree with the "special ID card" stupidity. This idea smacks of Fascism. We still enjoy personal freedoms in this country and to require Muslims to carry ID cards is an affront to ALL Americans that hold the ideals of this country sacred. As for having a Muslim as a neighbor, no problem, as long as they don't sympathize with the extremists.
This poll is an eye opener as to how Americans feel about Muslims living in this country. And if Muslims want to be viewed more favorably, they need to speak up against the Muslim Extremists and dump CAIR as their mouthpiece. I have no problems with Muslims, as long as they are law abiding and loyal to America, not the extremists.
Mr Minority
Let's analysis the results:
- 31 percent of respondents said they would feel nervous if they noticed a Muslim man on their airplane flight, and 18 percent would feel nervous about a Muslim woman flying with them.
All Muslims in the US are reaping the seeds that Muslim Terrorists have sown. Is it justified? Yes and No.
- Less than half – 49 percent – feel that Muslims living in the U.S. are loyal to this country.
- 34 percent believe American Muslims are sympathetic to the al-Qaida terrorist organization.
I do believe, as 49% of those polled, that Muslims are NOT loyal to America. I believe that their loyalty resides with their faith first. As for being sympathetic to al-Qaida, I don't believe that they all are, even though there may be a large minority that do, I believe the majority don't.
- 40 percent of respondents said they believe Muslims in the U.S. are not respectful of other religions, and 44 percent said Muslims are too extreme in their religious beliefs.
- A slight majority – 52 percent – believe Muslims are not respectful of women.
Yep, I agree with those two views.
- 9 percent said the U.S. should require Muslims to carry a special ID, and 57 percent believe they should undergo more intensive security checks at airports.
- 39 percent said they "have at least some feelings of prejudice against Muslims,” 59 percent said they did not, and 2 percent had no opinion.
Opinions are different, however, among Americans who are personally acquainted with a Muslim, the poll disclosed.
For example, only 10 percent of those who know a Muslim said they would not want one as a neighbor, and 24 percent believe Muslims should carry a special ID – compared to 50 percent among those who don’t know a Muslim.
There is NO friggin' way would I agree with the "special ID card" stupidity. This idea smacks of Fascism. We still enjoy personal freedoms in this country and to require Muslims to carry ID cards is an affront to ALL Americans that hold the ideals of this country sacred. As for having a Muslim as a neighbor, no problem, as long as they don't sympathize with the extremists.
This poll is an eye opener as to how Americans feel about Muslims living in this country. And if Muslims want to be viewed more favorably, they need to speak up against the Muslim Extremists and dump CAIR as their mouthpiece. I have no problems with Muslims, as long as they are law abiding and loyal to America, not the extremists.
Mr Minority