Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Chicano Groups Sue to Allow ILLEGALS to Vote

The citizens of Arizona passed a proposition that will require proof of citizenship to register to vote. Naturally this upsets the Liberal Chicanos, because they want as many ILLEGALS to vote as they can, thus they are suing.
PHOENIX (AP) - Hispanic groups on Tuesday filed a lawsuit asking a federal court to block and declare unconstitutional voter identification requirements imposed under a 2004 voter-approved state law.

Voter registration drives are being hindered by the law's mandate for registrants to submit documents proving their citizenship, the lawsuit said.

Also, the requirement to show specific types of ID when voting at polling places could keep citizens from exercising their voting rights, the suit claimed.

The suit was filed by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Chicanos Por La Causa, Friendly House, Valle del Sol, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project and the Arizona Hispanic Community Forum.

"The reality is that Proposition 200 erects more barriers to voting and discourages citizens from registering to vote," said Cynthia Valenzuela, MALDEF's director of litigation.

The measure was placed on the ballot through an initiative campaign whose proponents argued that its voter ID requirements would prevent and combat voter fraud by non-citizens.

It was aimed chiefly at illegal immigrants.

The state will fight the lawsuit and defend the voter-approved law, said Secretary of State Jan Brewer, the state's chief elections officer.

I am sorry Chuy, NO citizenship, NO voting, that's the way the law is. This law does not hinder voting, it just hinders ILLEGALS from voting, which it should. Expect some Liberal Judge to overturn the law, and then expect it to go to the Supreme Court.

Mr Minority