Monday, December 20, 2004

Confusion on the "Global Warming" Front

The big Eco-nut Whoop-Dee-Do in Buenos Aires last week has brought out some interesting news. Let's start with the Inuit Indians filing suit against the US Federal Gov't for ruining their way of life.
The plan by the Inuit people of the Arctic to seek a ruling from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights against the United States "for causing global warming and its devastating impacts" is just the tip of the iceberg of planned legal action by a host of different environmental organizations and state attorneys general.

Sheila Watt-Cloutier, chairwoman of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, a United Nations-recognized, quasi-governmental group that is seeking a human rights declaration against the U.S., defended her group's planned human rights complaint against the U.S. as its only option.

"Without a radical rethinking of priorities, ... my culture could very well be doomed in perhaps even my grandson's lifetime," Watt-Cloutier said during a panel discussion this week at the U.N.-sponsored climate conference.

"They (the scientists) tell us that well within 100 years, all of [our way of life] could well be destroyed, and we have contributed very little to the problems of climate change, but yet we bear the heaviest impacts," she explained.

"Imagine if 300 scientists agreed on a projection that the way of life of your entire people was condemned to disappear in the way that we know it -- a hunting culture -- less than 100 years from now because of the actions of others. What would you do?" she asked, explaining the rationale for filing the complaint.

What a crock of Bovine Excretement! There is no solid, totally agreed upon proof that man made "Global Warming" is a fact. New studies are finding that these "300 Scientists" were using junk science to support their finding, and they weren't looking at all the data. So to say that your way of life will be ruined in 100 years and to file suit upon Ms. Clio's prediction is BUNK!

And let us look at this "Study" and it's proof.
A researcher who predicts a rapid melt in the Arctic region presented his findings to participants at the United Nations climate change conference here on Monday, but many conference participants questioned the validity of the science used in the study.

Robert Corell, the chair of the international Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), summed up the findings of his group's report, saying, "We are now experiencing some very rapid and severe climate change in the Arctic."

The study, entitled "Impacts of a Warming Arctic," concludes that climate change will accelerate over the next 100 years, "contributing to major physical, ecological, social and economic changes," Corell said during his presentation to a packed conference room at the meeting.

Corell warned that the rise in sea levels from the projected melting of Greenland's ice shelf could have major impacts on coastal areas worldwide.

But Myron Ebell of the free market environmental group Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) refuted Corell and his international commission's report on Arctic melting.

"The temperature graph [of the Arctic used in the ACIA study] does not agree with any of the known [temperature] data sets for the Arctic. In other words, who knows where they got this data from," Ebell told

Ebell, who is attending the U.N. climate change summit, is the director of international environmental policy for CEI. He believes that alarm over the projected melting of Greenland's ice shelf is misplaced.

"It was warmer in 1000 A.D. than it is today, and Greenland had much less ice cover back then," Ebell said.

This Junk Scientist can't even get support from other environmental groups. That is the problem with the sky-is-falling Global Warming scare, there is no concurrence in the findings. Most of these guys are just Academia wankers looking to make money off of research funded by others and publishing findings that support their funder's wanted results. BUNK!!

But what about the Kyoto Protocol, that's going to help right? The Evil United States hasn't adopted it, and we are all going to die - NOT!!
After a relentless attack on the United States for opposing the Kyoto Protocol, environmental groups concede the international treaty will have no impact on what they believe to be impending catastrophic global warming.

Despite the fact that green groups at the U.N. climate summit in Buenos Aires called President George Bush "immoral" and "illegitimate" for not supporting the Kyoto Protocol, the groups themselves concede the Protocol will only have "symbolic" effect on climate because they believe it is too weak. Kyoto is an international treaty that seeks to limit greenhouse gases of the developed countries by 2012.

"I think that everybody agrees that Kyoto is really, really hopeless in terms of delivering what the planet needs," Peter Roderick of Friends of the Earth International told

"It's tiny, it's tiny, tiny, it's tiny," Roderick said. "It is woefully inadequate, woefully. We need huge cuts to protect the planet from climate change."

The Protocol will have no effect, it's just a token, but the US is demonized for not buying into the charade. All it will do for the US is cause Billions to be spent on something that is worthless. Thank You, President Bush for saving us money on Junk Science.

Even an Ex-Greenpeace activist sees this garbage for what it is.
A former member of Greenpeace who became disillusioned with what he saw as bad eco-science urged a United Nations climate change conference to "save the world" by ignoring global warming.

"Climate change is a huge thing, but there is very little that we can do about it," Bjorn Lomborg told following a speech in Buenos Aires on Monday.

Lomborg, the author of the new book Global Crisis, Global Solutions, also wrote The Skeptical Environmentalist, a book devoted to debunking many of the alarmist claims of environmental groups. He is attending the U.N.'s Conference of Parties or COP-10 meeting on climate change here.

In an essay published Monday in the London Telegraph, Lomborg wrote that "global warming has become the obsession of our time" and "is the moral test of our age."

Lomborg believes that global warming is real and is caused by C02, but he adds that mankind can "do very little about the warming."

Ah Yes, caused by CO2, but what the Eco-nuts don't want to tell you is the biggest producer of CO2 is Nature herself. Blame it on the US, blame it on Industrial nations, but Mother Earth is the biggest culprit. Watch Out, the Sky is Falling!!! These people need a cause to rant and rave about otherwise they have no lives, thus the Evil Global Warming. More BUNK!!!

And if a reporter tries to ask serious questions about this scare, he is told to shut up.
The moderator of a panel discussion at the United Nations climate change conference here shut down questioning by a reporter who asked about disputed scientific claims regarding global warming, calling such questions "silly."

The panel discussion featured representatives of the Inuit people, who were announcing their intention to seek a ruling from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights against the United States "for causing global warming and its devastating impacts."

But when asked by to defend the science behind the group's legal challenge, the moderator of the event cut off the reporter's questions and threatened "to put a stop to this."

That's what happens when you try to expose this Chicken Little Fraud, they shut you down, they don't want the truth exposed, because it is a Big Bucks scam, and they don't want their Big Bucks to dry up. This whole Global Warming Bruhaha is smoke and mirrors and the people running the scam don't want you looking at the man behind the curtain. PT Barnum was right, there is a sucker born every minute, and there are a bunch in Gov'ts that fall for this crap. I don't nor won't.

Mr Minority