Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Defending Ann Coulter

In Ann's latest book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism" (which I just bought!) Ann attacks 4 women in New Jersey for politicalizing their husbands death on 9/11. She defended her statements yesterday in an interview with Today Show leftie Matt Lauer.

I have seen the video, I have read the text and I will defend Ann for her statements.

Ann made her statement of "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much," and "These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis," because these women were using their husbands death to make political points. In fact they actually made commercials for John Kerry! If these women were truely concern about preventing more deaths, then they would be supporting the President's War on Terrorism, trying to bring awareness of Islamofacism to the American public, instead of using their "widows" position to campaign for someone that would allow this type of attack to happen again.

Yes, Ann's statements were caustic and maybe over the top, but they were also right on.

Mr Minority

Update I have recieved a lot of HATE comments because I stand by Ann's statement about these women.

This whole story is another example of the MSM slandering someone on the right for partial statements and the sin of omission. I am sitting here holding Ann's book in my hand (bought it last night before all the hoopla) and am reading why Ann has castigated these women, and again I SUPPORT her and her statements. These 4 women are not pure innocent widows, they are political activists using the deaths of their husbands to push their agenda. They sued the Federal Gov't because they thought that $1.6 Million (per person) was not enough to compensate for the death of the husbands (the Federal Gov't didn't attack the World Trade Centers, TERRORISTS did), they publically denounce President Bush because he didn't beam himself immediately from Florida to NY, and they slammed the FAA, because it didn't immediately ground all planes, add that to political ad for John Kerry and you have partisan political activists. These women are not the pure widows they (and the MSM) make themselves out to be. Ann is right and I stand by her. 'Nuff said

Update, Update Thanks to Michelle Malkin, we have another journalist that thinks that these women are activists with a leftist agenda. Dorthy Rabinowitz wrote an article in the WSJ over two years ago about these women. A Must Read.